Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Welcome future Mesa College Olympian!

We are happy that you have chosen our college as part of your journey to achieve your educational and life goals.  

We would like to invite you to join our Summer “CRUISE” new student program that will be held at Mesa, Monday, August 1rd - Thursday, August 4th.  Summer CRUISE is a FREE, fun way to explore the campus, and get ready for college.  You will meet your Success Team including Peer Navigators, who are current students and will be supporting you throughout the year at Mesa.
We have two sessions that are designed to meet our diverse student population:

·        Morning CRUISE: 8:00 am – 1:00 pm (lunch included) is for new students who recently graduated from high school or have not attended college in the last three years.  Our first day will include a workshop for your family so they will know what college will be like for you.

Register for the Morning CRUISE @ http://bit.ly/1SummerCRUISE

·        Evening CRUISE: 5:30 pm – 9:00 pm (light meal provided) is for new students who are transitioning from Continuing Education, the Armed Forces, and adult learners who have not attended college.

Register for the Evening CRUISE @ http://bit.ly/3SummerCRUISE

We want you to feel comfortable, prepared and engaged at Mesa, and coming to Summer CRUISE will make that happen!

Further information can be found online @ www.sdmesa.edu/CRUISE

If you have questions, please email MesaSummerCRUISE@sdccd.edu or call 619-388-2757.

We will be with you at the Summer CRUISE, and I look forward to getting to know you!

Your Mesa College Summer CRUISE Team