"Hello, I'm a student at Sweetwater High. I was wondering if you might have community service opportunities for students?"
- National City Family Resource Center - 619-336-8360 or email bozuna@nsd.us
- Options during social distancing
- Live Well San Diego
- It Ends with Us - https://www.itendswithusnpo.org/contact/volunteer
- Olivewood Gardens, 619-434-4281
- City of National City - Volunteer Opportunities
- City of National City
- Bonita Family Resource Center, 2005 Highland Ave., Suite 9, National City, CA 91950, Office: 619-512-1122, Email: kramirez.bonitafrc@gmail.com
- Kalusugan Community Services, 1419 E 8th St, National City, CA 91950, (619) 477-3392, http://kalusugan.org/get-involved/
- The Princess Project: volunteerSD@princessproject.org, http://www.princessprojectsd.org/involved/involved/
- City of San Diego Volunteer Office, volunteersd@sandiego.gov, Phone: (619) 236-5586 https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/volunteer.html
- Paradise Valley Hospital, 619-470-4321, https://www.paradisevalleyhospital.net/About-Us/Volunteer-Opportunities.aspx
- Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center, 619-502-3606
- Rady Childrens Hospital, https://www.radyfoundation.org/volunteer/hospital-volunteer-application?
- https://www.volunteermatch.org/, San Diego Padres Volunteer Team
- The Padres invite you to join their volunteer team
- Father Joe’s Villages- St Vincent de Paul Prepare and Serve Lunch, For more information go to: http://my.neighbor.org/volunteer/
- San Diego Food Bank Food Distribution and Sorting, For more information go to: http://sandiegofoodbank.org/volunteer/
- I Love a Clean San Diego River Cleanup, For more information go to: https://www.ilacsd.org/volunteer/
- https://www.si.edu/volunteer/DigitalVolunteers
- https://translatorswithoutborders.org/volunteer/
- https://www.handsonsandiego.org/covid-19?layoutViewMode=tablet
- https://www.adoptanursinghome.com/
- https://www.bestbuddies.org/2020/04/21/online-friendships