Sweetwater High School Counselors are committed to providing a comprehensive counseling and guidance program as a vehicle to assist students in acquiring and using life-long learning and self-managing skills. We are committed to implementing a proactive and preventative program which employs strategies to enhance student academic success, provide career awareness, develop employment readiness, encourage self-awareness, foster interpersonal communication skills and impart life success skills.
Friday, September 22, 2023
Fentanyl Awareness Workshop
They will be 100% in Spanish, registration is required, the event is free, Narcan will be distributed for free and there will be free childcare on site.
10/6 National City: MLK Jr Community Center 5 -7:30pm
Monday, September 18, 2023
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Service Academy Night
We are excited to invite you to an exclusive Service Academies Information Night, where you will have the opportunity to learn about the prestigious U.S. Service Academies and the incredible opportunities they offer for your education and future career.
This event is open to high school students who are considering pursuing a unique and honorable path in their education and service to the nation. Whether you have a strong interest in the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, the U.S. Naval Academy, the U.S. Air Force Academy, the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, or the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, this information night will provide you with valuable insights and guidance.
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
South Bay Community Talks- September 20th
Youth in Action and Partnerships 4 Success under the Institute for Public Strategies will host the South Bay Community Talks in collaboration with McAllister on Wednesday, September 20th, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Olivewood Gardens in National City.
We will provide a safe space for teens, young adults, families, and community members of all ages to talk openly about issues related to community stress, alcohol use, drug misuse, and the fentanyl overdose crisis. Translation services will be available for those who prefer Spanish.
Along with hearing from community organizers and local mental health providers, a FREE light dinner will be provided for all who attend. Community service hours are available for youth who participate and bring their community service form ready for signatures.
Please feel free to share the attached flier with your community, peers, partners, and social media platforms. If there are any questions, please email: youthinaction@publicstrategies.org
Thursday, September 7, 2023
Counselor/Parent Chats - September 6, 2023
Counselor/Parent Chats Q & A September 6, 2023
We have an 11th grader. Looking for any resources to help situate her into a 4-year university next year. When do we apply, student services etc. How and when we apply for grants etc. How soon do we apply for scholarships etc.
· All Juniors receive a Counselor Led Post Secondary presentation in the Fall of their Junior Year. Students can also schedule an appointment with their counselor. Our Counseling Center Website has a lot of information as well. Students also have a Google Classroom for their grade level where we upload resources including our in person presentations. Timeline and important info regarding college can also be found on our “So You Want To Go To College” flyer
We have a10th grader in the mod / severe dept. What resources are available to her as she progresses through high school.
· All students in the mod/severe program or who get special services have an IEP and students can work closely with their case carrier, school psychologist, and counselor. Students in the mod/severe program would also have transition plans in their IEP.
How can I have access to Jupiter grades?
· Tech Support is available in the parent center on Tues/Thursday 8:30-10:30. Parents can also email their students counselors for Jupiter Access.
Are there any dates for university campus visits?
· The counseling center is not currently hosting any dates for university campus visits. Students in the AVID program may have some campus visits through their program. If the counseling center becomes aware of any opportunities, we would post it on our counseling center website.
If there are any visits is there a preference for seniors?
· No, all field trips offered are typically first come first served.
What are the upcoming College University and FASFA Deadlines for 12th graders?
· Counselors are currently reviewing post-secondary plans with seniors during their individual credit check meeting. Important dates and deadlines can be found on our “So You Want To Go To College” flyer. Seniors can access their grade level presentation on their Google Classroom. The Deadline for CSU/UC’s is November 30th. FASFA Deadline for priority is March 2nd.
My freshman is currently struggling in 3 classes with substitutes – who can we contact?
· Please reach out to your students Counselor and administration if you are struggling to get in contact with any substitute teachers.
When does my 11th grader need to start volunteer hours?
· Start as soon as possible – as early as 9th grade. Although we only require 30 hours, more hours is recommended for university admissions and scholarship consideration. We recommended students volunteer in something that they are interested in. The Class of 2024 needs to complete 15 service hours. Currently 30 service hours is required for the class of 2025 and beyond. More information and the community service form can be found on our website under the community service tab.
Which teacher does my student turn in their hours to and what places are approved by the school?
· Community Service Forms need to be turned into History/Social Science teachers. Students need to submit hours ideally that school year. For information on pre-approved places please visit our website under the community service tab.
Can my junior student start applying for grants?
· 11th graders cannot apply for grants but they can apply for scholarships. Scholarship information can be found under the scholarship tab on our website
My student did not get any information about Credit recovery
· Students who signed up should have gotten an email but if they did not the student can follow up with their counselor. Yesterday was the first day of credit recovery. Unfortunately, some class times were changed from afternoon to morning. Students can still report on Thursday. In the Morning, students should enter the main building through the north side of the building. Credit Recovery is Tues/Thurs and on the occasional Saturday. We understand some of the communication has been choppy. Credit Recovery will end on December 1st. For seniors taking credit recovery for A-G purposes, students will list any classes they are repeating when they apply.
What grades do students need to get a work permit?
· The school recommends a 2.0 but technically there are no GPA requirements. Permit applications can be found in the admin office.
Does the school give any support in regard to sexual harassment/assault?
· For any support on this topic please make an appointment with your students’ counselor so that they can discuss different resources and make appropriate referrals as needed.
Tuesday, September 5, 2023
District Student Conference: “Girls Inspiring Real Leadership in STEAM"
Free Event: Students will hear speakers, have discussions, and network with women professionals for guidance on entering STEAM careers.
Date: This Saturday, September 9, 2023 @ Eastlake Middle School (Pavilion)
Start time: 9:00 AM – Lunch (Free to Attendees)
For more details and to REGISTER see the FLIER
September Wellness Message
Hello again,
Sweetwater High Students as we begin September with our 2nd monthly wellness message of the year.
Why not start on your path of excellence? If you haven’t already put your 100% in school, then it’s still not too late. Remember last month’s message about positive affirmations?
This month you need to believe that you are still capable, equipped and well able. Believe in who you are – empowered enough to be ALL that you were meant to be and are now.
Use this sense of empowerment to fuel your journey, giving you the courage to do well and the strength to try new things. YOU ARE EXCELLENT!
Be Well Red Devils,
SUHi Counseling Department
Visit our website for more info: www.suhicounseling.com
If you or someone you know is experiencing emotional distress, please call or text 988 to speak with a trained crisis counselor 24/7/365.