Happy College Awareness Day!!!
The last day of every month is college awareness day and this month our theme was "Getting Involved at SuHi: the importance of extracurricular activities and community service."

Pictures from our mini community service fair.
In case you missed it here is some of the information that was passed out or come by the counseling center to pick up a flyer.
The Arc of San Diego
American Red Cross
Community Service?
How do you get started? Call or email any of the
community service opportunities you are interested in. Then say, "Hi I'm
____________ from Sweetwater High School and I'm looking for community service
opportunities. Can I please speak with someone who might be able to help
me?". Simple as that! Make sure you have a pen and paper to take notes
down while you are on the phone! Need help, see your Social Science teacher or
are some upcoming events to help inspire you!
Ø Pacific
Arts Movement
at one of the largest media arts organizations in North America that focuses on
Asian American and Asian international cinema.
more info visit: http://pac-arts.org/support/volunteer/
Ø San
Diego Food Bank
back to the community by volunteering at one of the largest hunger relief
organization in San Diego County.
more info visit: http://sandiegofoodbank.org/volunteer-2/
Ø National
City Library
library is a great place to have a positive impact in the community. Volunteer
as a literacy tutor or doing office work.
more info visit the Literacy Services office or call (619) 470-5800
Ø Ruben
H. Fleet Science Center
in science? Then check out the opportunities to volunteer at the amazing Ruben
H Fleet Science Center.
Ø Bubble
the Bubble Run Team organize a successful event by volunteering to set-up,
clean-up, or help out race day.
opportunities on Friday September 6th or Saturday September 7th.
more info or to sign up online visit: http://volunteersbubblerunsandiego.eventbrite.com/
Ø Out
of the Darkness 5k
the “SuhiLives” team by walking or supporting the Out of Darkness 5k walk benefiting
the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.
walk is on Saturday October 19th. For more information or to sign up
visit: www.outofthedarkness.org
Ø Paradise
Valley Hospital
Interested in the health field? Volunteer at
Paradise Valley Hospital, Volunteers (619) 470-4122
Ø City
of San Diego
opportunities with the City of San Diego range from animal shelters, law
offices, parks and recreation, voting, and more!
Ø Other
volunteer opportunities can be found by visiting:
Ø Join
this group on Facebook to get updates on new community service opportunities! https://www.facebook.com/volunteersandiego
Luck and Give back!!!