Sweetwater High School Counselors are committed to providing a comprehensive counseling and guidance program as a vehicle to assist students in acquiring and using life-long learning and self-managing skills. We are committed to implementing a proactive and preventative program which employs strategies to enhance student academic success, provide career awareness, develop employment readiness, encourage self-awareness, foster interpersonal communication skills and impart life success skills.
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Counselor & Parent Chats - April 10
Counselor/Parent Chats Q & A February 7, 2024
Guest Speakers: McAlister Institute Q&A:
Contact information for Ms. Maya Bernal:
telephone number: 619 691-1045 ext 2009
Can schools require random tests for students like they do in some workplaces?
Per school counselors, we cannot test students, but we can provide resources like MCAlister where they can take their student to be tested. At McAlister center parents can pay $25 cash for marijuana tests. Results will be available within 5 minutes.
Does school allow vaping and/or vapes on campus? No
How do staff/administration check if a student has vape?
They don’t do random searches, however, if they catch students in a bathroom, etc., and suspect the student is under the influence they will search student belongings.
Counselor Parent Chat- Q&A:
Scholarship or FAFSA/CADA eligibility?
There are some scholarships based on financial need, some students who do not meet financial need can be denied. But there are other scholarships based on merit, community service and other factors. Scholarships vary in requirements. Students are encouraged to apply for scholarships they are eligible for.
For FAFSA/CADA students will not be denied, however, the amount received will be based on financial need. It is the school the student applied to and plans to attend that will communicate with the student with respect to the financial aid award letter. If you have additional questions it is recommended to make an appointment with your student’s counselor.
FAFSA/CADAA deadline May 2, 2024. Please remember to check with the individual university.
Will I get confirmation my child will walk during graduation?
There will be senior clearance, June 3rd, to confirm your student completed all their remaining graduation requirements. However you are welcome to contact your students counselor to check your students progress towards completing their graduation requirements.
Can 11th graders do their volunteer hours in the summer?
Yes. They can do it any time. Seniors class of 2024 need 15 hours. Please visit suhicounseling.com for more details. Remember graduating class of 2025 and beyond are required to complete 30 hours. Students need to complete the community service verification form. You are able to pick-up with their social science teachers, suhicounseing.com, and in the counseling center.
What benefits are there for my student to complete more than 30 hours of community service?
The benefits can be for personal growth, scholarship opportunities and selective university admission, for example UC schools.
Which teacher does my student turn in their hours to and what places are approved by the school?
Community Service Forms need to be turned into History/Social Science teachers. Students need to submit hours ideally that school year. For information on pre-approved places please visit our website under the community service tab.
Thursday, March 14, 2024
Community Service Hours Opportunity - Multi Cultural Festival at Pepper Park 3/30
The Multi-Cultural Festival will be held on Saturday, March 30th from 12PM-5PM at Pepper Park in National City. This event is family-friendly and free to the public.
There will be vendors, performers, Kids Zone with hands-on activities and free arts & crafts. We are looking for volunteers to help with pre-event setup, traffic control, and post event teardown. We are able to provide volunteer hours for students. If interested, please follow the link here to fill out our volunteer form.
Join us for a fun afternoon with live music, food and entertainment. We hope to make this year's festival a great success with your participation!
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Counselor & Parent Chats - February 7th
Link to notes and handouts
Click to access previous counselor parent meetings
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Counselor/Parent Chat - November 15, 2023
Counselor/Parent Chats Q & A November 15, 2023
Guest Speakers: McAlister Institute Q&A:
Are students aware of the harm with nicotine and vaping?
Yes, we speak to youth as well and educate teenagers on the health concerns with nicotine and vaping.
Do you go to schools and present?
Yes, I visit a lot of schools to help educate students.
How can we tell if our student is vaping?
A lot of vapes still have a smell and release smoke. The smell is like a fruit. The smell will stay on clothes, furniture. If you go into their room or bathroom, check their things. Some vapes look like highlighters. As we continue to research the consequences of vaping, more information surfaces.
Can schools require random tests for students like they do in some workplaces?
At McAlister center parents can pay $25 cash for marijuana tests. Results will be available within 5 minutes. Per school counselors, we cannot test students, but we can provide resources like MCAlister where they can take their student to be tested.
Does school allow vaping and/or vapes on campus? No
How do staff/administration check if a student has vape?
They don’t do random searches, however, if they catch students in a bathroom, etc., and suspect the student is under the influence they will search student belongings.
Counselor Parent Chat- Q&A:
There was a military presentation in one of her students' classrooms, but when she called the school no one on campus knew about it. Why does this happen?
I would welcome a parent to speak with their student counselor. The counselor can help investigate and help discover the answer.
Do you have support for ADHD?
Yes, any student with diagnosed mental/physical disability, we have support for your student. We encourage parents to contact their child's counselor for further details.
Is there a fee waiver for community college?
There is no fee for community college applications. The CSU/UC application has questions built in application that determine if a student is a candidate for fee waiver.
I always check my child's grade, but it shows a missing assignment but my student tells me they turned it in?
I suggest, via jupiter grades, email the teacher directly to confirm what assignments are missing, or contact your student counselor for help.
In addition, usually if it’s marked as missing it’s because they turned it in late. Very likely the student did it late, and it may take time for the teacher to correct late work. I would encourage parents to tell students that they can review the work they turned in late.
Do teachers update grades weekly or do they have some kind of timeframe?
There are no guidelines. The requirement is that the teacher give a progress report and final grade. Anything in between progress reports and final grades is teacher discretion.
There are many programs, how can parents be prepared to best guide their students with options available for pre registration?
At suhicounseling.com website, parents/students can access Course List with descriptions and some include videos.
What options are available for period 0/7?
These are very limited to MCJROTC and bands. Please contact your student counselor for additional help.
When are the next grades?
They are the final semester grades.
What is the support students with IEP receive, or can parents select classes for students?
Students with IEPs get the same opportunity to request classes with counselors. In addition, students with IEPs, have IEP meetings to discuss placement, case carrier and counselor to support them.
What are the upcoming College University and FASFA Deadlines for 12th graders?
Counselors are currently reviewing post-secondary plans with seniors during their individual credit check meeting. Important dates and deadlines can be found on our “So You Want To Go To College” flyer. Seniors can access their grade level presentation on their Google Classroom. The Deadline for CSU/UC’s is November 30th. FASFA Deadline for priority is March 2nd.
Which teacher does my student turn in their hours to and what places are approved by the school?
Community Service Forms need to be turned into History/Social Science teachers. Students need to submit hours ideally that school year. For information on pre-approved places please visit our website under the community service tab.
Monday, October 23, 2023
SUHi Money Monday - Income Caps?
FAFSA and CaDAA open in December!
Have questions? See your counselor!
Monday, October 16, 2023
SUHi Monday Monday: Do You Need Money For College?
Attention seniors!
Do you need money for college?
It is important that you submit your FAFSA/CaDAA to increase your chances of receiving the financial aid you are eligible for.
What is the difference between the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the California Dream Act Application (CaDAA):
The first step for all students, parents, and legal guardians applying through the FAFSA will be to register for a Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID.
We encourage students and their contributors (parents) to create an FSA ID as early as possible to be ready for the December opening of the FAFSA and CaDAA.
How to video here:
Counselors will call you out on SUHi Money Mondays in Novmeber to help with your FSA ID.
Remember, if you do not have a SSN, it’s OK! You are still eligible for financial aid.
See Ms. Luansing afterschool in the counseling center.