I am reaching out to promote UC San Diego’s Virtual Triton Summer Academy, TSA. The purpose of TSA is to prepare select rising high school seniors for an intensive, yet fun-filled, college academic experience at one of the country’s leading universities. This year for the health and safety of our students and community, TSA will be offered virtually via Zoom. This program is open to the graduating class of 2022. To be eligible for the program students must have an overall minimum GPA of a 3.0 or higher. Additionally, TSAis completely FREE for all participants.

Sweetwater High School Counselors are committed to providing a comprehensive counseling and guidance program as a vehicle to assist students in acquiring and using life-long learning and self-managing skills. We are committed to implementing a proactive and preventative program which employs strategies to enhance student academic success, provide career awareness, develop employment readiness, encourage self-awareness, foster interpersonal communication skills and impart life success skills.
Thursday, May 27, 2021
UC San Diego’s Virtual Triton Summer Academy
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Wellness Wednesday: Keep Going
Happy Wellness Wednesday Red Devils!
It's the last stretch of the most challenging school year we've ever had. You've made it this far, don't give up now.
You will never regret the decision to not give up. You can only get through tough times by doing just that—going through it. The decision to keep going is the only way you can learn. Life gets boring if you stay in one place for too long.
Please visit our Virtual Wellness Room to take a break from your online classes. Do some breathing exercises, stretch, or play a game. It's OK to take a time out in the middle of the day for a "brain break".
COVID-19 Updates and Resources
Get the latest information on specific SBCS programs and services as well as efforts to support the wider community and additional resources as we monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts. https://southbaycommunityservices.org/covid-19-resources
Monday, May 24, 2021
Motivation Monday: Careers in Animation
What software do they use?
Friday, May 21, 2021
Cuyamaca College is hosting Virtual New Student Advising/Ed Planning Workshops
Cuyamaca College is hosting Virtual New Student Advising/Ed Planning workshops in early June. During these sessions, students will be able to draft a one semester education plan with our Counselors! Students can click the link in the flyer or https://forms.gle/PdHPvY9QiQKorFY87
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Women in Computing
Greetings from the UC San Diego student branch of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Women in Computing (WIC).
We are reaching out to you to inform you of our upcoming Girl’s STEM Fair. Our event is designed to encourage the participation of female-identifying high school and middle school students, though all students are welcome to participate.
It is a Python programming basics workshop using examples in cryptography. It will be Saturday, May 29th, from 11am to 2pm PST. Students will be able to learn how to code in Python, and then apply those skills in a fun escape room competition. We believe this workshop will be a great entry point for those students who are interested in coding but have little to no experience.
We hope this workshop will get them excited about programming, and potentially give them the starting tools to code on their own!
Students (or their parents) can sign up via a Google Form through this link: https://tinyurl.com/IEEEpythonUCSD. They will then be sent the link to the Zoom meeting where the workshop will be taking place.Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Wellness Wednesday: You Did It
There is no question this was a difficult school year for so many reasons, but instead of focusing on those things, let’s focus on all the amazing things that DID happen:
- You rose up to the challenge.
- People all over the world leaned into a tough situation to support each other.
- We all learned some new things about ourselves that will help us as we move ahead.
- While circumstances were certainly difficult, strange and unique this year, know that through it all, you kept pushing forward. That’s something to celebrate. You should be very proud of yourself. We are DEFINITELY proud of you.
*Adapted from The Random Acts of Kindness
Breathe. Practice 4-8-7 breathing. Inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 8 seconds, and exhale for 7 seconds.Kindness Challenge:
Sit outside, in silence, with a friend practicing 4-8-7 breathing. Talk about how it makes you feel.
The state of your mental health affects how you think, feel, and ultimately how you act. It's crucial that we express these emotions with others on a daily basis. By talking about mental health openly, more people may be encouraged to seek help from a trusted adult, school counselors, or our community based partners.
Please visit our Virtual Wellness Room to take a break from your online classes. Do some breathing exercises, stretch, or play a game. It's OK to take a time out in the middle of the day for a "brain break".
COVID-19 Updates and Resources
Get the latest information on specific SBCS programs and services as well as efforts to support the wider community and additional resources as we monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts. https://southbaycommunityservices.org/covid-19-resources/
Monday, May 17, 2021
Motivational Monday: Careers in Aviation
Happy motivation Monday! Today let's explore careers in aviation.
As you watch this video, think about these questions:
Key Questions:- Why did you choose your specific career?
- Where did you get your education and how did you pay for it? (scholarships, grants, loans, etc?)
- Which school/learning subjects are most present in your job now? How do you use math, language arts, history, and/or science as a professional in the field?
- What advice would you give a middle school student interested in becoming a professional in this career field?
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Confidential safe space to get information for you and your family
*Learn about ICE Encounters, DACA, CA Dream Act*
Led by Immigration Attorney Mrs. Scully
*Scholarship Opportunity!
*Guidance applying to college/financial aid
*DACA first-time applicants and renewals
*Life skills and mental health skills
or email
Wellness Wednesday: Acknowledge Your Feelings
The state of your mental health affects how you think, feel, and ultimately how you act. It's crucial that we express these emotions with others on a daily basis. By talking about mental health openly, more people may be encouraged to seek help from a trusted adult, school counselors, or our community based partners.
Please visit our Virtual Wellness Room to take a break from your online classes. Do some breathing exercises, stretch, or play a game. It's OK to take a time out in the middle of the day for a "brain break".
COVID-19 Updates and Resources
Get the latest information on specific SBCS programs and services as well as efforts to support the wider community and additional resources as we monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts. https://southbaycommunityservices.org/covid-19-resources/
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Student Mental Health Week - Counselor Presentations
Community Resources: Internet, Rental Assistance, and more!
Emergency Broadband Benefit | FCC | | Learn More
-$50 Monthly towards broadband (internet) services + $100 towards device purchase. Applications open on May 12, 2021.COVID-19 Funeral Assistance | FEMA | Learn More
-Assistance is limited to a maximum of $9,000 per funeral. Available now.
Emergency Rental Assistance Program | City of Chula Vista | Learn More
-Funds available to pay rent your rent if you have been affected by COVID-19. Available Now.
California Phones | State of California | Learn More
-Free Specialized Phones for people with Hearing, Vision, Mobility, Speech, and Memory disabilities. Available Now.
If you need help applying to these programs you can Contact your closest Family Resource Center.
We are happy to announce we still offer services such as the following:
• Presentations
• Application/registration support
• Workshops
All available online via zoom and other online platforms. Please click here to complete the Outreach Request form.
Monday, May 10, 2021
Motivation Monday - Careers in Green Technology in Transportation/Logistics and Construction/Building Trades
Today let's learn about careers in Green Technology in Transportation/Logistics and Construction/Building Trades.
This video will be in a panel style in order for students to hear from several professionals across the industry sector.
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Wellness Wednesday: Talk It Out
Happy Wellness Wednesday Red Devils!
The state of your mental health affects how you think, feel, and ultimately how you act. It's crucial that we express these emotions with others on a daily basis. By talking about mental health openly, more people may be encouraged to seek help from a trusted adult, school counselors, or our community based partners.

Virtual Wellness Room
Please visit our Virtual Wellness Room to take a break from your online classes. Do some breathing exercises, stretch, or play a game. It's OK to take a time out in the middle of the day for a "brain break".
COVID-19 Updates and Resources
Get the latest information on specific SBCS programs and services as well as efforts to support the wider community and additional resources as we monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts. https://southbaycommunityservices.org/covid-19-resources/
Tuesday, May 4, 2021
Cuyamaca College Info Sessions
Cuyamaca College is hosting several workshops in May to introduce students to the college.
Virtual Information Sessions are an opportunity for prospective students to receive general information about the college, complete an application, and learn about the next steps for enrolling at Cuyamaca College. These sessions are taking place throughout the month of May and are available in English, Spanish, and Arabic. Students may sign up here: bit.ly/3dWSqDEMay 11 they are hosting a Joint Open House focused on Career Education programs at GCCCD, in collaboration with Grossmont College and East Region Adult Education. The flyer is attached and interested students may sign up here: bit.ly/openhouse-reg
Sweetwater High Class of 2021 - Graduation Ceremony Update
Good afternoon Class of 2021,
Graduation dates and times are out!Due to safety and health guidelines, ceremonies will only include the reading of graduate names and giving of diplomas. Therefore, the in-person ceremony will be 30-45 minutes in length. The remainder of the ceremony (ie. Principal/Val/Sal speeches, National Anthem, Alma Mater, etc.) will be pre-recorded. A complete graduation video will be shared with graduates and families the following week.
Please click on the link below to sign up for your Graduation Ceremony time block, and to submit guest names. There is a limit of 150 graduates per time block. In addition, each graduate is limited to 4 guests; this includes adults and children of any age.
For more information about Senior End of the Year Activities and Graduation, please join your AP of Student Activities, Mrs. Morris, for a Zoom meeting on Thursday, May 6, 6-7pm.
Graduation Memo English: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PSsFhUTT8F35B0bstLxYlA3d_cGUVS8c/view?usp=sharing
Graduation Memo Spanish: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wqW8oAmMpbRx4dazn8IuD55FCFrkH9TY/view?usp=sharing
Graduation Schedule: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1E8gsLNPyD2pR28KbbiuxA1S_ZOrC3DRU/view?usp=sharing