
Applying to college can sometimes be a daunting task. The applications, college entrance exams, essays, letters of recommendations, placement exams, and extra-curricular involvement can be overwhelming at times- which is why we created this resource.

Most of your college questions can be answered by browsing this page. Remember that your most important resource is your school counselor- please make sure to speak with your counselor to obtain further assistance. Lastly, don’t forget to attend the university presentations held in the counseling center during the months of September through November.

CSU Application Tutorial

UC Application Tutorial:

Southwestern College Application Tutorial

Common Application Tutor

General Information Links:
University of California Links
California State University Link
College Entrance Exams
SAT Vs. ACT - click here to learn about the differences!

ACT/SAT Score Comparison Chart

For California State University schools, ACT/SAT scores are taken into consideration like this:

For University of California schools, ACT/SAT scores are then into consideration like this:

For all SAT Info:

For all ACT Info: