Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Wellness Wednesday: Letting Go

The weather is cooler and the nights are crisp. Find some time before bed to reflect on the day’s events and set intentions for a new day. 

Self-Care Tip:
Take five to 10 minutes before bed to focus on what’s going on inside. Notice any parts of you that don’t feel relaxed. Invite them closer, listen to them, pay close attention and discover what their worries, fears, concerns, or other feelings are. Witness each part. Once all parts have relaxed, confirm with yourself that everything’s going to be all right and fall blissfully into sweet dreams.

Kindness Challenge:
Write to a former teacher that impacted you. Just as we all love to hear from our students and how we’ve made an impact on their personal and academic growth, those who have helped us become the great educators we are would love to hear from us as well =)

Please continue to encourage students to experience the Wellness Wednesday Relaxation Lounge in the Counseling Center at lunch on Wednesdays. It’s the perfect spot to de-stress and decompress. Nurse Wegener also has a relaxation space for students who need.

Have a wonderful day all!
