Thursday, February 28, 2019

Free Summer SAT Preparation Opportunity

SWAG applications are now open! 

Priority consideration is given to those who are low-income and/or first-generation. I’ve attached a postcard and I have some hard copies as well. Thank you for your helping us promote.

SWAG (Students With Academic Goals) SAT Prep Academy

SWAG is an intensive, 3-week SAT Prep Academy located at Bayview Baptist Church, weekdays June 13-28. 

Students must currently be in Grade 9, 10 or 11 (in Grade 10, 11 or 12 in Fall 2019.) 

The program includes SAT Instruction, Tutoring, Lunch, Team-Building and Field Trips to three local universities. 

Priority Deadline: March 22. It is a competitive process and acceptance is not guaranteed. 

Families must attend an Orientation in May and students must take a pre-test in June. 


Online Application: