Sweetwater High School Counselors are committed to providing a comprehensive counseling and guidance program as a vehicle to assist students in acquiring and using life-long learning and self-managing skills. We are committed to implementing a proactive and preventative program which employs strategies to enhance student academic success, provide career awareness, develop employment readiness, encourage self-awareness, foster interpersonal communication skills and impart life success skills.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
National City Family Resource Center
National City Family Resource Center can provide for families in need.
Food Assistance—One bag of food every 30 days
Electricity Bill—Neighbor to Neighbor pays for
Care Coordinators—connect families to other
--First Christian Church—1800 E. 17th Street—2nd
Friday every month food distributed beginning at 9 a.m.
--South Bay Community Church—2400 Euclid Ave. (across street
from NCFRC on Euclid)—Every Wednesday (4-5:30 p.m.) & Sunday (8:30-9 a.m.)
clothes/shoes offered to families
--Operation Samahan—Free physical & immunizations and
temporary medi-cal for a month
Visit https://ncc.nu.edu/index.cfm or call 619-336-8659.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Schedule Change for 2nd Semester
Starting Dec 1, a schedule change request form will be available
on here on www.SUHiCounseling.com!
Changes for the following will NOT be accepted:
-teacher change
-period change
-dropping a year long class
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
$$$ December Scholarship Bulletin
The December Scholarship Bulletin is now posted! Lots of great opportunities for you. Remember, while most scholarships apply to seniors, there are some this month that invite 9th-11th graders to apply.
Click Here to view December Scholarship Bulletin
Click Here to view December Scholarship Bulletin
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
December Scholarship Bulletin
Lots of scholarship opportunities available on the December Scholarship Bulletin
Click here to access December's scholarship bulletin!
The pain of applying for scholarships will never exceed the pain of paying off student loans.
Please Apply!
Mr. Smith, Scholarship Counselor
Lots of scholarship opportunities available on the December Scholarship Bulletin
Click here to access December's scholarship bulletin!
The pain of applying for scholarships will never exceed the pain of paying off student loans.
Please Apply!
Mr. Smith, Scholarship Counselor
Friday, November 16, 2012
Adelante Mujer Scholarship
Adelante Mujer and
Maida Torres-Stanovick
To be eligible, you must attend a Sweetwater Union
High School District school and be a female senior of Latina background who
will be attending a college or university in the fall of 2013.
Deadline: December 14, 2012
Sweetwater Union High School
District Students
Dear Freshman...
A few days ago, we asked some of the Class of 2013
to share some advice with the freshman.
Here are a few of their thoughts!
If they only knew then what they know now....
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
EOP Deadlines
What is EOP?
EOP stand
for the Educational Opportunity Program. Each California State University has an EOP program.
As a participant, you may receive:
- Academic Counseling
- Free Academic Tutoring
- Eligibility to receive an EOP Grant
are typically considered on a first come, first served basis and accepted until
all spots are filled but some campuses have set deadlines.
Apply Early!!!!!!!!!
EOP Deadlines:
December 14, 2012
CSU San Marcos
February 15, 2013
CSU Fullerton
No set deadline, first come first
CSU Long Beach
March 2, 2013
CSU Dominguez Hills
November 30, 2012
November 30, 2012
CSU Channel Islands
January 31, 2013
CSU Northridge
December 14, 2012
CSU San Bernardino
March 2, 2013
CSU Bakersfield
Cal Poly SLO
January 15, 2013
Cal Poly Ponoma
February 1, 2013
Fresno State
November 30,2012
CSU Monterey Bay
January 31, 2013
San Jose State
February 1 2013
CSU Stanislaus
January 27, 2013
CSU East Bay
January 15, 2013
Who do YOU want to be?
www.WhoDoYouWantToBe.com is an awesome website!
Click on "quiz" to take a fun test to find our what careers would be best for you!
Check out what came out for the counselors!
Ms. Luasning:
Ms. Vallejo:
Monday, November 5, 2012
Scholarship Reminders!
Just a friendly reminder to increase your success with scholarships:
1. Watch the deadline for scholarships
2. Give yourself enough time to gather all the required information (ie., transcripts, letters of recommendation,
financial information)
3. Our registrar is very busy. Expect 3 days to receive an official transcript
3. Give the person writing you a letter of recommendation as much time as possible.
4. Prepare an auto-biographical in advance that include academic, personal, social highlights. This will eliminate rushing to prepare one at the last minute.
Questions? See Scholarship Counselor Mr. Smith!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
How are University of California Applications Reviewed?
At Sweetwater High School, our goal is that all of our students are prepared for 4-year university admissions and success. With proper course placement and intervention programs, we provide the academics students need to be competitive in the admissions process.
Yet, in addition to grades, A-G courses, and SAT/ACT scores, most University of California campuses use a holistic review process: applicants are assessed in terms of the full range of their academic and personal achievements, viewed in the context of the opportunities and challenges each has encountered.
We encourage our students to not only excell academically, but take into consideration the 14 points below to be competitive for admissions to any University of California campus.
Taken from: http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/freshman/how-applications-reviewed/index.html
- Academic grade point average in all completed "a-g" courses, including additional points for completed UC-certified honors courses.
- Scores on the following tests: ACT Plus Writing or the SAT Reasoning Test.
- Number of, content of and performance in academic courses beyond the minimum "a-g" requirements.
- Number of and performance in UC-approved honors, Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate Higher Level and transferable college courses.
- Identification by UC as being ranked in the top 9 percent of your high school class at the end of your junior year (Eligible in the Local Context, or ELC).
- Quality of your senior-year program as measured by the type and number of academic courses in progress or planned.
- Quality of your academic performance relative to the educational opportunities available in your high school.
- Outstanding performance in one or more specific subject areas.
- Outstanding work in one or more special projects in any academic field of study.
- Recent, marked improvement in academic performance as demonstrated by academic GPA and the quality of coursework completed or in progress.
- Special talents, achievements and awards in a particular field, such as visual and performing arts, communication or athletic endeavors; special skills, such as demonstrated written and oral proficiency in other languages; special interests, such as intensive study and exploration of other cultures; experiences that demonstrate unusual promise for leadership, such as significant community service or significant participation in student government; or other significant experiences or achievements that demonstrate the student's promise for contributing to the intellectual vitality of a campus.
- Completion of special projects undertaken in the context of your high school curriculum or in conjunction with special school events, projects or programs.
- Academic accomplishments in light of your life experiences and special circumstances, including but not limited to: disabilities, low family income, first generation to attend college, need to work, disadvantaged social or educational environment, difficult personal and family situations or circumstances, refugee status or veteran status.
- Location of your secondary school and residence.
Compact for Success with SDSU
In 2000, San Diego State University partnered with the Sweetwater Union High School District(SUHSD) to create a program that would bring new educational opportunities to Sweetwater graduates.
The partnership would involve SUHSD teachers working side-by-side with SDSU faculty to examine the rigor and alignment of math and English course offerings and to design a school curriculum that would meet specific requirements for college admissions.
Students participating in the Compact for Success Program would focus on meeting 5 benchmarks. All Sweetwater students meeting these benchmarks would be guaranteed admission to SDSU.
- Continuous enrollment in Sweetwater Union High School Disctrict schools from 7th to 12th grade (as of October 2011).
- Attain a CSU GPA of 3.0 or higher by time of application and maintain this GPA through senior year
- Completed all CSU A–G course requirements with a grade of C or higher:
- A – 2 years of US History, Government/World History
- B – 4 years of English (ELD 7-8 may apply)
- C – 3 years, (4 recommended) – Algebra, Formal Geometry, Intermediate Algebra, Math Analysis, Calculus
- D – 2 years, (3 recommended) – Biology, Chemistry, Physics
- E – 2 years, (3 recommended) – Foreign Language (same language)
- F – 1 year of Visual and Performing Arts
- G – 1 year College Prep Elective or additional year of any of the above (e.g., 4th year of math)
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Scholarship Opportunity for Female SUHi Students!
National City for Women Information Technology (NCWIT)
NCWIT seeks high-school-level young women to apply for
the NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing!
The NCWIT Award forAspirations in Computing honors young
women active and interested in computing and encourages them to pursue their
passion for technology.
Winners get cool prizes, gadgets, and scholarships, and
can join a community of like-minded technical women.
National award-winners are selected from across the country and
Affiliate Award competitions are available in all 50 states,
the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin
All girls at all computing levels are encouraged to
apply-we'd like to recognize aspirations, not just accomplishments!
National award-winners receive:
$500 in cash
· A
laptop computer
· An
engraved award (for both the student and her school)
· An
expenses-paid trip to the national Award ceremony (for the student
and her parent/guardian) on March 10, 2012 (I'm sure they mean 2013)
Application Deadline: November 18, 2012
To apply log on to: http://ww2.ncwit.org/award/award.index.php
Monday, October 29, 2012
Scholarship Updates!
Greetings from the Counseling Center,
The other day I asked a senior what I could do to encourage you all to apply for scholarships more aggressively than you have been. The senior shared that she felt overwhelmed and was extremely busy. I appreciated her honesty.
While I understand the enormous workload some of you are managing, I still say apply to as many scholarships as possible. Trust me on this.
As you may have noticed, the November Scholarship bulletin has been posted. Check out the following scholarships and visit www.suhicounseling.com regularly as I input throughout the month.
Scholarship Name: Holiday Bowl Scholarship
Deadline: Postmarked by November 2, 2012
Eligibility: High school seniors from San Diego County who have
excelled academically as well as within his/her community
(school and outside). Citizenship and leadership in
extracurricular activities are particularly important. Applicant must have a
GPA of 2.5 or better.
Amount: $10,000
Application Available: http://www.holidaybowl.com/about-us/scholarship.html
Scholarship Name: The 2013 Prudential Spirit of
Community Awards
Deadline: November 6, 2012
Eligibility: Student who is actively involved in and has done community
Amount: $1,000 or more
Application Available: http://spirit.prudential.com or www.nassp.org/spirit
Scholarship Name: “Make The U” (Haz La U) Scholarship
Application Period: September 1 – December 31st 2012
Eligibility: Hispanic US citizens or permanent residents with a minimum
3.0 GPA planning to enroll in a two or four year college
during 2012-2013 school year.
Amount: Grand prize of $15,000; ten additional grants of $2,500.
Application Available: http://www.colgate.com/app/Colgate/US/Corp/CommunityPrograms/Haz-La-U.cvsp
I want to applaud
Shehara Seapno for writing a powerful scholarship essay! Concise, well-written,
and visceral (great word to learn for college).
Please let me know how
I can better support you in your pursuit of free money/scholarships! I'm open
to your suggestions.
-Mr. Smith, Scholarship Counselor
Friday, October 19, 2012
Point of Excellence
Many college and universities base their admissions more than just GPA and SAT/ACT scores. They look at each student as a whole: academics, extracurricular activities, awards, honors, and etc.
It is not a rare occurrence for college admissions representatives to come across students who have earned perfect grades, stellar SAT/ACT scores, exemplary leadership skills, hundreds of hours of community service,and a list of awards and honors that can go on forever.
Stanford University, in their visit with San Diego county counselors yesterday, shared with us the POINT OF EXCELLENCE. The point of excellence a unique, extraordinary characteristic an individual student might possess which would make them stand out above all the other outstanding student hoping for admissions to prestigious universities like Stanford.
A student with excellent academic credentials yet possess a passion in life, an obstacle overcome, and/or unique life experiences that makes them rise above other students is the point of excellence.
Students, you might be asking yourself, "I don't have a point of excellence". Our answer to you is "Yes you do!". All students have a story to tell. You might not realize it but you do have a point of excellence. If is our job to help you find it!
If you are a senior starting to take on your college applications and need help in finding your "point of excellence", see your counselor1 We are were to help!
It is not a rare occurrence for college admissions representatives to come across students who have earned perfect grades, stellar SAT/ACT scores, exemplary leadership skills, hundreds of hours of community service,and a list of awards and honors that can go on forever.
Stanford University, in their visit with San Diego county counselors yesterday, shared with us the POINT OF EXCELLENCE. The point of excellence a unique, extraordinary characteristic an individual student might possess which would make them stand out above all the other outstanding student hoping for admissions to prestigious universities like Stanford.
A student with excellent academic credentials yet possess a passion in life, an obstacle overcome, and/or unique life experiences that makes them rise above other students is the point of excellence.
Students, you might be asking yourself, "I don't have a point of excellence". Our answer to you is "Yes you do!". All students have a story to tell. You might not realize it but you do have a point of excellence. If is our job to help you find it!
If you are a senior starting to take on your college applications and need help in finding your "point of excellence", see your counselor1 We are were to help!
Upcoming College Presentations
Come check out these lunchtime admissions presentations in the Counseling Center!
Sign up with Ms. Vallejo to be released from class a little early!
Tuesday October 23rd – CETYS Universidad (Mexico)
Thursday October 25th – Xochicalco Universidad
Friday October 26th – University of Hawaii Maui
College (Hawaii)
Tuesday, October 30th - University of California, San Diego
Past Presentations:
Tuesday, October 30th - University of California, San Diego
Past Presentations:
Monday October 15th – La Sierra University (Riverside)
Tuesday October 16th – Brown University (Rhode Island)
Path to College
It's a busy time for seniors!
Getting started on the college applications is just the first step!
Check out this "Path to College" presentation given to our seniors this week!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Cal-SOAP Presents College Fair 2012
College Fair 2012
Over 100 Colleges Represented and 7 workshops Offered:
- Secrets of Selective Colleges
- CA Public Colleges
- CA Community Colleges and Transfer Process
- Private / Independent Colleges
- Financing Your College Dream
- Top 10 Future Careers in America
- The College Athlete
We will have a bus leaving SUHI
at 5:30pm and we will be returning to campus at 8:30pm. Space on the bus is
Students are encouraged to
invite their parents to attend this event with them. Any grade level is
welcome. Permission slips can be picked up
in the counseling center.
Families are welcome to attend the event on their own as well!
Community Workshop!
Would you like free
information about:
Financial aid, and
Scholarship resources.
Would you like
to know how to:
Earn community service hours while learning more about the Puerto Rican
Culture, and
Apply for the House of Puerto Rico (HPRSD) Casilda Pagan Scholarship?
Then stay after
the House of Puerto Rico Meeting on:
Saturday, November 6th from
6PM-7PM at the House of Puerto Rico in Balboa Park, San Diego.
To find
out more about the House of Puerto Rico, please go to houseofpuertorico.com.
If you have any questions about this workshop, please email us at
houseofpuertorico@ yahoo.com
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Brown University's visit
On, Tuesday October 16th, Brown University (Rhode
Island) came to SUHi! Our students were attentive when learning about this Ivy League School which is the seventh-oldest college in the United
States. Students from SUHI have received full scholarships in the past!
Brown is an independent, coeducational Ivy
League institution comprising undergraduate and graduate programs, plus the
Alpert Medical School and the School of Engineering. Brown is a leading
research university.
Brown’s vibrant,
diverse community consists of 6,000 undergraduates, 2,000 graduate students,
400 medical school students, more than 5,000 summer, visiting and online
students, and nearly 700 faculty members. Brown students come from all 50
states and more than 100 countries. Undergraduates pursue bachelor’s degrees in
more than 70 concentrations, ranging from Egyptology to cognitive neuroscience.
Good luck Class of 2013 in your applications to Brown U!
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Last dates for SAT/ACT
Seniors! Time is running out!
ACT - www.actstudent.org
If you haven't taken the SAT and/or ACT
college entrance exam yet, you have a few more chances:
ACT - www.actstudent.org
Fee Required)
December 8, 2012
November 2, 2012
November 3 –
16, 2012
SAT - www.collegeboard.com
Nov 3
4 |
Dec 1
1 |
you need a fee wavier and you receive free or reduced lunch here at school,
please see your counselor!
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
LSSSC Talent Search Program
LSSSC Talent Search is a Federal TRIO Program designed to outreach and provide student service programs for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Our goal is to increase the number of youth
who complete high school and enroll in and complete their postsecondary education.
FREE Services provided include:
Academic CounselingTutoring Referrals Fieldtrips After School Workshops Community Service Opportunities Support completeing college applications Support completing Financial Aid Applications And so much more!
To Qualify:
You must attend Sweetwater High SchoolBe either a future First Generation College Students
Recieve free or reduced lunch
Be a US citizen or permanent resident Plan to attend a college of university
Ready to apply, have any questions
or are not sure if you qualify?
Come to the counseling center and
ee Ms. Vallejo TODAY! |
Its College Application Time!
Applying to college can sometimes be a daunting task. The applications, college entrance exams, essays, letters of recommendations, placement exams, and extra-curricular involvement can be overwhelming at times- which is why we created this website.
Remember that your most important resource is your school counselor- please make sure to speak with your counselor to obtain further assistance. All A-G eligible seniors will be called out of class the end of October and beginning of November to work on their UC and CSU applications. If you need help before then, please stop by the counseling center!
Here are some resources to get your started:
Here are some resources to get your started:
- For admissions applications, click on "Admissions", then "Go directly to the application", then "apply online"
- Go to the "apply online" tab and click "undergraduate applications"
Graduation Requirements are changing!
From now until the Class of 2015, the SUHSD graduation requirements are :
Class of 2016 and beyond, graduation requirements:
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Scholarship Bulletin for September/October 2012
Scholarship Bulletin
September/October 2012
The pain of
applying for scholarships will never exceed the pain of paying for student
Scholarship applications are located in the Counseling
Center or online at www.suhicounseling.com.
Scholarships are sorted by the month they are due, and are displayed on the
scholarship bulletin located in the Counseling Center. See the Scholarship Counselor if you have questions or need help with
an application. Give yourself plenty of time to complete the application
process. Make your best effort to not
wait until the last minute to get letters of recommendation, transcripts, and
essays together. Transcripts must be requested two days in advance. Find
more scholarships by researching the scholarship search engines located after
the list of scholarships on each bulletin.
Note: many
scholarships will come through the Counseling Center as “last minute” status;
my apologies for the time constraint
Note: Because scholarships come in at different
times, they are not displayed according to “deadline date”. Be sure to
carefully view all deadline dates.
Resources $$$ Can Be Found on The Following Sites:
www.apiasf.org (Asian Americanwww.Back2college.com – aid and resources for re-entry students
www.Blackexcel.org – federal scholarships aid gateways and 25
scholarship gateways
www.Brokescholar.com – will match your profile against thousands
of available scholarships
www.Clubscholarship.com – part of the collegiate
funding.com network and lists more than 500,000 awards
www.Collegeanswer.com – offers free scholarship searches
www.Collegeboard.com - offers a database with over 2,300 sources
of funding
www.collegefund.org (Native American)
www.Collegeview.com – another free online scholarship search
www.gmsp.org (Gates Millennium
www.Gocollege.com – has over 600,000 scholarships with over 8,000
funding sources
www.Hispanicscholarship.com – maintains database of
scholarships for Hispanic students
www.hsf.net (Hispanic)
www.Nextstudent.com – offers free scholarship search, student
loans and loan counseling
www.Scholarshipexperts.com – free online search engine
of thousands of scholarships available
www.Scholarships.com – another free scholarship search engine
www.Supercollege.com – another
www.uncf.org (African American)
Scholarship Scams http://www.collegeview.com/articles/CV/financialaid/scholarship_scams.htmlhttps://www.scholarshipexperts.com/apply.htx
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