1. April 11 - Elk's park clean up starts 8am goes until we are done. need at least 4 hours. BBQ lunch will be provided. Need names. This will entail, weed wacking, racking, trimming, lot's of dirty work. Some painting. We need kids that are willing to work to make our park look great. Location: behind the Elks lodge. Reason for need: the demographic of the lodge is about 60% over age 70 those that are able are working full time and raising families.
2. April 18 - High Tea: Start at 9am for set up finish about 4 after cleanup. This will be an easy day. A bit rushed in the morning moving all the tea plates, cups etc from the shed to the lodge. setting up tables, place setting etc. washing dishes. then we relax for awhile and tea is served at 2pm. Will need to be wearing black and white for serving. I need at least 20 volunteers for this. Lunch is included and there is a break to watch the Rhapsody singers perform before cleaning up. This event supports our major project which helps kids see, walk, talk and play by providing physical therapists, vision, hearing, surgeries as needed to those in need from birth through college all of the money raised from this event stays in San Diego county.
3. "Remember our Fallen" War Memorial will be at the Chula Vista Library from May 3 through May 14. We need at least 2 people there at all times, during library hours. This person needs to be soft spoken, respectful of our military heroes and be able to read a chart and lead people to names on the display. There will be a briefing about the Memorial and the person will need to be able to tell people about it without reading the notes.
If interested, please call Kim Coronado at 619-240-0098.

Sweetwater High School Counselors are committed to providing a comprehensive counseling and guidance program as a vehicle to assist students in acquiring and using life-long learning and self-managing skills. We are committed to implementing a proactive and preventative program which employs strategies to enhance student academic success, provide career awareness, develop employment readiness, encourage self-awareness, foster interpersonal communication skills and impart life success skills.