Thursday, March 16, 2017

UCLA Overnight Programs

Many UC's offer free overnight programs to students of color in order to provide underrepresented students with resources to help them succeed in college and to facilitate their SIR process. Many of these programs, however, are not advertised to students or are hard to find when the admission letters come out. It is crucial to students to check out the dates of these programs and to RSVP to them as soon as they check their admissions because spots run out quickly!

This year, I have the honor of being one of the co-chairs for MEChA de UCLA's 18th Annual Raza Weekend which takes place April 14th to April 16th. Our event caters to Raza students and their families and is a 3 day, 2 night program. We aim to facilitate the SIR process for students by proving self-identifying Xicanx/Latinx students with culturally relevant experiences, workshops, keynote speakers and an open community of fellow Raza Bruins. 

One of our goals as an event this year is to outreach to more students outside of the LA area, therefore, I would like to encourage that any Raza SUHi student who receives admission to UCLA, signs up for our program via our website or via their admission portal under "events". Even if students are not Raza identified, please let them know that they can feel free to outreach to me if they have any questions about their specific overnight program and I can get them connected to the right people. 

As we continue to increase our number of SUHi alumni here at UCLA, we want to continue to foster a community at a collegiate level; having students attend these type of events will only facilitate that process. 

Thank you very much in advanced for your time and for all of your hard work. I know that if it was not for the amazing SUHi counselors, my path to higher education would not have been successful. 

All the best, 

Isaac Alejandro Felix
UCLA Undergraduate Class of 2019
Pre-Human Biology and Society B.A.
Xicana/o Studies Minor
Resident Assistant 2016-2017
UCLA RAZA Weekend Co-Chair 2017