Hundreds of volunteers will grab a paintbrush or hammer October 12 and join with local businesses to make a wish come true for a selected group of Chula Vista homeowners.
The annual “Christmas in October” program helps preserve and revitalize houses and communities. In past years, volunteers have assisted people who are unable to make repairs to their homes because they are low income, elderly and/or disabled. The program combines the good will and spirit of volunteers with donated funds and materials from businesses and monies raised by local service clubs.
Military veterans and their families – the wounded, the elderly, or their widows/widowers who reside in the Chula Vista area are urged to apply. All repairs are at no cost to the homeowner. Mobile homes are not included in the program.
Anyone who wants to participate in the program must fill out an application and turn it in before Sept. 2 on a first come, first served basis. Houses may be painted and often carpeting, windows, tile, pipes and bathroom fixtures are replaced. New water heaters, smoke detectors and refrigerators may be installed. Able-bodied family members are expected to help with the renovations. Funding for the program comes from corporations, individuals, labor organizations, foundations, and civic organizations.
Applications are available at the City Clerk's office, City Hall, 4th and F streets, (619) 691-5041.
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