Purchase by March 1st
2017 – Cap and Gown:
Seniors make sure to order your cap and gown by March 1st. Whether you are purchasing or borrowing the
cap and gown, you must submit an order form.
Go online to: www.sdgrad.com or call 619-440-5426 to take
care of your order. Cap and Gowns are
ordered directly from the student to the vendor—not the ASB. Seniors have two options: 1. Pay for the cap
and gown for $22.75 or borrow the
cap and gown for $0 cost. Those are the two options. Of course, if seniors want more items they
can order additional items as well at www.sdgrad.com. Graduation
is Thursday, June 1st at 6:00pm at Southwestern College.
Purchase by May 1st
We have 300 tickets left for prom. The Senior Prom this year will be held at the
University of San Diego on Saturday, May 13th from 7pm – 11pm. The cost of one ticket is $45 dollars. After spring break, prices will go up to $50
dollars a ticket.
Purchase by April 3rd:
Grad Nite will be at Disneyland and California Adventure on
Friday, May 19th. We will
leave Sweetwater High School at 1pm and return the following morning at
5am. We have sold out 3 buses already (out
of 8). The price for a Grad Nite ticket
is $145 dollars. There will be no price increase, but the last
day to purchase a ticket is April 3rd. No
exceptions. On April 3rd
at 5:00pm, I have to submit our ticket purchase request. If not, we will not have access to tickets.
Non Privilege List:
Seniors, make sure that you are being cleared from the
non-privilege list. The aforementioned
Senior Events are a privilege, not a right!
Therefore, take care of your business so that you can participate in these
memorable events!