Sweetwater High School Counselors are committed to providing a comprehensive counseling and guidance program as a vehicle to assist students in acquiring and using life-long learning and self-managing skills. We are committed to implementing a proactive and preventative program which employs strategies to enhance student academic success, provide career awareness, develop employment readiness, encourage self-awareness, foster interpersonal communication skills and impart life success skills.
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Attention Student Athletes
Interested in playing sports once you enter college? Join us on December 7th, 2021 from 6:00pm to 7:30pm for the virtual SUHSD Student Athletes’ College Night. Learn what is required academically in high school to play sports in college and hear from college athletes to understand what it takes to play at the next level.
Click here for the link to register and see the attached flyer for more information.
Friday, November 19, 2021
Class Change Request for Spring 2022
If you are interested in a class change for 2nd semester, please read the info below:
Deadline for class change requests is Friday, December 3, 2021
You can view your 2nd semester schedule in Infinite Campus.
IMPORTANT: We will not grant requests for teacher changes or period changes.
Please complete the Class Change Form only ONCE. Multiple submissions will cause a delay in your request.
Counselors will do their best to accommodate student requests based on class availability.
We will email students with the outcome of your request. Please be sure that you are checking your school email daily.
If you are missing a period, have duplicate periods, or are taking a class you already passed, please come to the counseling center the first day of school, during the period of the error.
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Wellness Wednesday: Be Dependable
You, as a student, can show you are dependable in many ways. You can have perfect school attendance, never miss turning in an assignment or fail to study for a test. Others are never late to a class or a practice and try their best at everything they do. They work hard to meet all their obligations. They dislike disappointing anyone, especially themselves.
Self-Care Tip: Notice what is working today and be thankful.
Get the latest information on specific programs and services as well as efforts to support the wider community and additional resources as we monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts. http://www.sweetwaterschools.org/covid-19-information/
Counseling Center Updates
This semester, the counselors have visited all 9th grade World Geography and 12th grade economics/US Government classes to discuss graduation requirements and post-secondary planning.
In the upcoming weeks, we will visit the 10th and 11th grade social science classes.
All materials and information covered in these presentations are available in our Google Classrooms. Parents are encouraged to talk to their students about the information they received.
If students cannot come afterschool, they can make an appointment with their counselor via email.
The UC and CSU applications are due November 30th.
Workshops for students who need assistance with community college applications and FAFSA/CaDA financial aid applications will be held next semester.
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
This Week Is Transgender Awareness Week
Full-Ride Morgan-Colorado Scholarship
- SUHi senior
- first-generation college student
- Top 10% of class (typically 3.9 or higher)
- Must have completed or currently in AP Calculus
- Enrolled in other AP-level courses including an AP-level science
- Complete FAFSA application
- Majoring in Business
Application to University of Colorado Due: Jan. 15, 2022
Friday, November 12, 2021
It's FAFSA/CADA Frenzy Friday
Here are the next virtual workshop:
• Learn general information about the FAFSA, Dream Act and Cal Grant
Counselors are also available afterschool, Monday to Thursday for assistance.
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
November Counselor Chat
Thank you to our parents for joining us for our 2nd Counselor Chat for this school year. OUr next counselor chat will be on February 23 at 9AM. Links will be sent via email.
Here are the presentation slides and audio recording with the Question and Answer responses below.Is it too early to do community service?
Not too early, students can start at any point but we always recommend student’s start sooner than later. Total hours are due by May of their senior year. Please see more information on Community Service Resources here: https://suhicounseling.blogspot.com/p/community-service.html
How to start that, what to do, what’s required, what’s acceptable?
Students can visit http://suhicounseling.com/ ‘Community Service’ where they can find local options of approved non-profit organizations and community service verification forms.
I have a hard time with technology. Is there a way for me to get a paper copy of the community service form?
Students/parents can pick up a paper copy of the community service form at the front window of the counseling center or can request one from their social science/history teacher.
Jupiter Grades is a great resource for parents.
If a parent needs access please contact your student's counselor, we can help.
All students have access too. Parents can ask students to login and show them their grades.
What is the counseling center phone number?
Wellness Wednesday: Be Inspired
Get the latest information on specific programs and services as well as efforts to support the wider community and additional resources as we monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts. http://www.sweetwaterschools.org/covid-19-information/
Counseling Center Updates
This semester, the counselors have visited all 9th grade World Geography and 12th grade economics/US Government classes to discuss graduation requirements and post-secondary planning. In the upcoming weeks, we will visit the 10th and 11th grade social science classes. All materials and information covered in these presentations are available in our Google Classrooms. Parents are encouraged to talk to their students about the information they received.
Monday, November 8, 2021
Mental Health Awareness for Minorities (MHAM) is Seeking Student Volunteers
Mental Health Awareness for Minorities (MHAM) is a student-led 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in the greater San Diego area dedicated to providing mental health education and resources to minority communities, including low-income communities, communities of color, and the LGBTQ+ community.
Mental Health Awareness for Minorities (MHAM) is currently seeking student volunteers, and would appreciate your help reaching out to them.
Student volunteers with MHAM receive community service hours and opportunities for leadership and growth. Our organization is currently operating virtually, presenting a unique opportunity for students to obtain community service hours during the pandemic. Any students that are passionate about mental health will find a role that interests them within MHAM’s various committees, including Education, Journalism, Finance, Resource, Communications, and Media.
For more information about our organization and its committees, please visit our website or Instagram @mha4min linked below.
Students may also learn more at our Volunteer Interest Event on November 13, 2021, which is being held virtually at 1PM PST. During the event, students can expect to learn more about our organization and the roles of each committee, followed by a Q&A panel with our committee heads. The registration link attached here can be found in our Instagram bio.
If you’re able to share this information and the flyer attached with your students and refer us to mental health clubs or programs on campus, it would be extremely helpful.
If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to set up a virtual meeting to further discuss our proposal, please feel free to reach out to me using any of my contacts below. Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing from you!
Friday, November 5, 2021
CETY’s University Admissions Presentation
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Wellness Wednesday: Reciprocity
Reciprocity is a mutual exchange of actions, goods, energy, time, emotion, etc. between two people.
Reciprocity is similar to a game of tennis or ping pong. There’s a rhythm or a flow of a back and forth exchange.
When someone reciprocates our efforts, it can leave us feeling validated in our choices and friendship, energized to keep going in this friendship or relationship and give more, and leaves us with this overall sense that we are valued and appreciated.
What actions and energy are you sharing with the people you interact with every day? Are you building others up? Are you putting the "Golden Rule" into action and treating others the way you want to be treated?
Self-Care Tip: Focus on the good. Remember that tough times are inevitable, but they will also inevitably end. The key is to focus on the good, and you’ll get there eventually.
Kindness Challenge: Thank someone you are grateful for and tell them why.
We all need someone to talk to, someone who listens, and someone who understands. Your Sweetwater High School Counselors are here for you. Click here to complete the SUHi Wellness Check-In. Your counselor will reach out to you 😀
Because YELLOW stands for happiness, positivity, energy, optimism, and joy, we are asking for our campus community to wear YELLOW on Wednesdays to help promote our Wellness Wednesday efforts.
Virtual Wellness RoomPlease visit our Virtual Wellness Room to take a break from your daily routine. Do some breathing exercises, stretch, or play a game. It's OK to take a time out for a "brain break".
COVID-19 Updates and ResourcesGet the latest information on specific programs and services as well as efforts to support the wider community and additional resources as we monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts. http://www.sweetwaterschools.org/covid-19-information/