Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Community Service Opportunity next Saturday, September 9th


Youth in Action and the Imperial Beach Arts Bureau will host a clean-up next Saturday, September 9th, from 9 am to 12 pm. We will meet at 518 Lark Wy, Imperial Beach, CA 91932, and make our way to the Rock Snake that leads to the Bayshore Bikeway.

The Rock Snake is a path lined with painted rocks created by young people in Imperial Beach. It is currently covered with overgrown weeds and litter. We need your help to restore this Southbay gem!

By participating in the clean-up, you can earn:
4 hours of community service (be sure to get the form from your school counselor)
A letter of recommendation (an alternate option if you don't need community service hours)

REGISTER HERE: bit.ly/rocksnake