Thursday, October 31, 2019

Field Trip- Southwestern College (SWC)

Are you interested in visiting SWC?

12th Graders are invited to SWC- Otay Mesa Campus Field Trip
Wednesday, November 6, 2019, 9am-11:30am

Space is Limited!
Come by the Counseling Center, front window, to pick-up a permission slip today.
Deadline is this Friday, November 1st.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

November Tutoring Schedule

Wellness Wednesday: Establishing a Routine

Happy Wellness Wednesday!

Routines help us day in and day out to get things done. Some of us are better at sticking to our routines than others. Here are some benefits to setting routines to help you get the most out of every day.

Self-Care Tip:
Establish and stick to a routine. Your personal routine can be grounding in times when life seems chaotic.

Kindness Challenge:
Giving out candy for Halloween? Attach positive affirmations to add kindness to your sweets.

Affective Statement:
I am so grateful that/for..

We also invite you to encourage your students to visit our Wellness Wednesday lounge in the counseling center at lunch every Wednesday. It’s the perfect spot to de-stress and decompress.

To spread the good news of our wellness efforts, please use the hashtag #BeWellRedDevils in sharing your Wellness Wednesday activities.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Class of 2020! Let’s get ready for College! Check Out What's Going on in the Counseling Center

Here are some SUHi Counseling- College Resources to help our students and parents with applications to a 4-year universities, learn about Financial Aid information to pay for college or begin to plan for a future career & major of study.

College Application Workshops: Starting November, after school Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. College Application Workshop Flyer

SWC Peer Ambassador, Tuesday & Thursday, 7:30am-2:30pm: Julia King is here to help our students with priority registration to SWC. SWC Peer Ambassador Flyer

Cash for College- Saturday Workshops For SUHSD students & Families. Workshops for SUHSD parents and students to receive assistance with the financial aid application (FAFSA or CADA) for Senior. CASH for COLLEGE Workshops Flyer

Parent Workshop Series, November 13th at 9am in the Counseling Center. Mental Health Wellness (stress management, building strong coping skills, communicating with your teen. 2019-2020 Parent Workshop Flyer

Mental Health First Aid Workshops - Nov 2 and Nov 16 - 8AM to 12Noon - Room 151
Youth Mental Health First Aid teaches staff and parents how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. This 8 hour training gives adults who work with youth the skills they need to reach out and provide initial support to adolescents (age 12-18) who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care.

Southwestern College Peer Advisor Ready to Work with Seniors

SWC Peer Ambassador, Tuesday & Thursday, 7:30am-2:30pm:  Julia King is here to help our students with priority registration to SWC.  Come to the counseling center to schedule an appointment. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Wellness Wednesday: Be the Sunshine #BeWellRedDevils

Happy Wellness Wednesday!

Every October, individuals from across the nation unite in a campaign to keep youth safe from bullying. Come visit the Peer Mediators in front of the band room at lunch to share some anti-bullying messages and goodies! Let’s spread kindness!

More info here:

It’s certainly easier to make assumptions about people than it is to spend time getting to know someone. We wanted to put assumptions to the test to see what we're missing out on because we're so busy assuming we already "know" a person. Join us as we discover why you should never judge a book by it’s cover in our series, Reverse Assumptions. We are all conditioned with certain biases. In this experiment, we challenged these biases by asking people to make assumptions about their partner's appearance without ever actually seeing their partner. 

When they flipped around to finally face each other, they were shocked by how wrong they were:

Take a moment at the end of each day and list a few good things that have happened. This can help refocus your emotions on all the positive things that happen each day, even when it doesn’t seem like it.

Kindness Challenge
Pick up 5 pieces of trash on your way to class  after nutrition break and lunch. 

Affective Statement:
I am so excited to hear/see...

Because YELLOW stands for happiness, positivity, energy, optimism, and joy, we are asking for our campus community to wear YELLOW on Wednesdays to help promote our Wellness Wednesday efforts. 

We also invite you to encourage your students to visit our Wellness Wednesday lounge in the counseling center at lunch every Wednesday. It’s the perfect spot to de-stress and decompress.

To spread the good news of our wellness efforts, please use the hashtag #BeWellRedDevils in sharing your Wellness Wednesday activities.

Be Well Red Devils!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Parent Workshop: Tips for a Successful Schooling Experience: Understanding Graduation Requirements and Monitoring Grades

SUHi Red Devil families,

Join us for our 1st Parent Workshop Series, Wednesday- October 23rd at 9am, in the SUHi Counseling Center.  The topic will be Tips for a Successful Schooling Experience: Understanding Graduation Requirements and Monitoring Grades.

Look forward to seeing you,
SUHi Counselors

Friday, October 18, 2019

Community Service Opportunity: Tree

On Wednesday, October 30th in partnership with Lumbercycle a local tree recycling/urban forestry group, SUHi will be planting 5 trees on campus ( 2 in New Building quad, 3 in front of the school) from 2:40-3:30pm. 


Contact Brandon with the afterschool program at Brandon Rogers <> or visit the inferno lounge. 

Calling Fall Festival Volunteers

Thursday, October 17, 2019

ARTS - Community Service Opportunity

A Reason to Survive (ARTS), a nonprofit organization offering after-school and weekend programs to young people ages 11–22. ARTS is a founding partner in the Creative Youth Development (CYD) National Partnership, an emerging network raising awareness of CYD as a solution for positive outcomes for youth.

Address200 E 12th St, National City, CA 91950

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

October is National Bullying Prevention Month

Every October, schools and organizations across the country observe National Bullying Prevention Month. The goal: encourage schools, communities and organizations to work together to stop bullying and cyberbullying and put an end to hatred and racism by increasing awareness of the prevalence and impact of all forms of bullying on all children of all ages.

SUHSD Girls Conference on October 26th

On Saturday, October 26th, Eastlake High School Robotics will be hosting its 5th annual GIRLS (Girls Inspiring Real Leadership in STEAM) Conference in the theater from 9am to 2:30pm. 

This event is open to all students in the district. There will be inspirational speakers, fun activities, and a “power lunch”. During the “power lunch,” participants will interact with an industry professional of their choice and get career advice. 

The event is targeted to high school and middle school students interested in a career in science, technology, engineering, arts, and math. See the attached flyer with the QR code for registration.

Young men are also welcome!

Wellness Wednesday: Smile More #BeWellRedDevils

Happy Wellness Wednesday!

I love your smile!

Each time you smile, you throw a little feel-good party in your brain. The act of smiling activates neural messaging that benefits your health and happiness. Read more about the “magic in your smile” here.

Try journaling if you’ve never tried it before. There are a lot of different ways to do it and lot of resources available to help you get started.

Kindness Challenge
Smile and say good morning to everyone you see before noon.

Affective Statement:
I am so thankful that you..

Because YELLOW stands for happiness, positivity, energy, optimism, and joy, we are asking for our campus community to wear YELLOW on Wednesdays to help promote our Wellness Wednesday efforts.

Visit our Wellness Wednesday lounge in the counseling center at lunch every Wednesday. It’s the perfect spot to de-stress and decompress.

To spread the good news of our wellness efforts, please use the hashtag #BeWellRedDevils in sharing your Wellness Wednesday activities.

Be Well Red Devils!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Youth Candidate Forums: San Diego Mayoral and Board of Supervisor Candidates

The San Diego County Public Defender Youth Council is back in business for the 2019-2020 school  year and this year we are tackling three ambitious projects, including the 25 Most Remarkable Teens in San Diego.

But our first project is two Youth Candidate Forums, the first for Mayoral candidates on Wednesday February 5, 2020 and the second for Board of Supervisor candidates on Thursday, February 6, 2020, both from 6:00 – 7:30 in the Neil Morgan Auditorium at the San Diego Central Library.  All three Mayoral candidates have agreed to participate and eight of the 10 Board of Supervisor candidates will be participating. 

The forums will be moderated by Matthew Hall, Opinion Editor for the San Diego Union Tribune.  Mayor Kevin Faulconer will be our guest of honor introducing the Mayoral candidates on February 5, 2020 and Supervisor Nathan Fletcher will be our guest of honor introducing the Board of Supervisor candidates on February 6, 2020.

We’re asking for your help in promoting the event at all San Diego County High Schools, through government and history classes.  We have attached a letter to the teachers explaining the event and various ways teachers can encourage and lead students to participate.   We can’t do this without the students and teachers, and we are hoping you will pass this information on to the teachers at your school who can best help.

The first thing we need is student submitted questions – we are including a list of the issue areas that San Diego teens have identified as important to guide the teachers when asking students to come up with smart, thoughtful questions for consideration. 

The second thing we need is student attendance on each of the two nightsWe have 600 seats to fill – 300 for each night - and student participation is key to the success of the forums. Young people often complain they are not respected, included or valued by adults – these forums are an opportunity to show the community that San Diego teens are interested in local issues and civic engagement.  If we don’t fill the auditorium, it will also show the community the opposite, that students are not committed enough to actively engage when invited to. 

We can’t think of a more important hands-on learning opportunity for our high school teachers and students during this highly anticipated election year, where many of our teens will turn 18 and be eligible to vote.

We have attached fact sheets for both Mayor and Board ofSupervisor, a list of issues, and the letter to government teachers.  Will you help us persuade the San Diego County high school teachers to support us in making the Youth Candidate Forums a success?
Best regards,

Connie Howard
San Diego County Public Defender
Youth Council Advisor

Volunteers Needed

Volunteers Needed:
  • Production
  • Staging
  • Hospitality
  • Setup/Breakdown
  • Festival
Contact Sherry Gogue for more information
6 I 9-743-6505

It’s college application season for the 4-year universities!

Hello Seniors!

It’s college application season for the 4-year universities!

Counselors are available to help! Please email your counselor to make an appointment.

Also, October 16th is PSAT College and Career Day.

The counselors will be in the following rooms from 9:10 to 10:45AM to help you work on your college applications and/or FAFSA/CADA:
Mr. Briney Room 604
Ms. Luansing Room 214
Mrs. Chavez-Casas Room 215
Mrs. Garcia Room WR1
Ms. Arroyo Library
Ms. Barragan (Ms. Vallejo) Counseling Center

Please bring your senior folder we provided for you with your transcript. This is a great opportunity for you to get your applications done. If you are focused, you should be able to complete your CSU applications during this time.

As a reminder, here’s your to-do list (in chronological order): 

FREE Youth Mental Health First Aid Workshop for Staff and Parents @ SUHi

Youth Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. This 8 hour training gives adults who work with youth the skills they need to reach out and provide initial support to adolescents (age 12-18) who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care.

El curso de “Proveedores de los Primeros Auxilios de la Salud Mental” es una certificación de 8 horas del programa de educación Pública. Que introduce a los participantes a reconocer factores de riesgo, advirtiendo señales y síntomas de específicas enfermedades mentales tales como Ansiedad,
Depresión, Uso de substancias, Esquizofrenia y Desorden Bipolar. Enseña un plan de acción de 5 pasos para apoyar a las personas que están experimentando una crisis emocional.

Who should take it:
  • Teachers
  • Adults working with Youth
  • School Staff
  • Parents/Care givers
  • Coaches

Construyendo conocimientos de la salud mental entre:
  • Padres, familias, y educadores 

Room 151


Friday, October 11, 2019

Volunteer opportunity- Montgomery-Waller Recreation Center 2019 HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL

Ms. Cordova is the Assistant Center Director for Montgomery-Waller Recreation Center. She would like to extend an opportunity to all the school in the Sweetwater UHSD to have the opportunity to volunteer in their upcoming 2019 Halloween Carnival. Since you are our contact point, I wanted to share her information and the opportunity for other schools in our district to participate and complete community hours. Thank you for your attention with this matter.

Our Safe Place October Calendar

Volunteer Opportunity at Mercy Housing at Kimball & Morgan Towers

October Tutoring Schedule

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

#WellnessWednesday: 40 Seconds

Happy Wellness Wednesday and welcome to quarter 2!

We hope you had a restful fall break and are recharged for the stretch to the holiday season!

World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilizing efforts in support of mental health.

Self-Care Tip:
Take five to 10 minutes before bed to focus on what’s going on inside. Notice any parts of you that don’t feel relaxed. Invite them closer, listen to them, pay close attention and discover what their worries, fears, concerns, or other feelings are. Witness each part. Once all parts have relaxed, confirm with yourself that everything’s going to be all right and fall blissfully into sweet dreams.

Kindness Challenge:
Write to a former teacher that impacted you.

Affective Statement:
I am so appreciative of you/your...

Because YELLOW stands for happiness, positivity, energy, optimism, and joy, we are asking for our campus community to wear YELLOW on Wednesdays to help promote our Wellness Wednesday efforts. 

We also invite you to encourage your students to visit our Wellness Wednesday lounge in the counseling center at lunch every Wednesday. It’s the perfect spot to de-stress and decompress.

To spread the good news of our wellness efforts, please use the hashtag #BeWellRedDevils in sharing your Wellness Wednesday activities.

Be Well Red Devils!