Tuesday, January 14, 2020

#WellnessWednesday: New Year, New Goals

It’s new year and a change for new goals. What are you focusing on this week?

Here are some great new year's resolutions for high school students:

Because YELLOW stands for happiness, positivity, energy, optimism, and joy, we are asking for our campus community to wear YELLOW on Wednesdays to help promote our Wellness Wednesday efforts.

Self-Care:Setting one, just one, focus each week helps keep things simple and achievable.

Kindness Challenge:Smile at everyone you see all day long.

Affective Statement:I am so impressed by…

We invite you to visit our Wellness Room in the counseling center room in office 141 if students need to de-stress and decompress. Please have students check in with a counselor before using the Wellness Room. Typically, we have students use the Wellness Room for no longer than 15 minutes at a time to report back to class ASAP.

To spread the good news of our wellness efforts, please use the hashtag #BeWellRedDevils in sharing your Wellness Wednesday activities.