Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Application Season is Upon Us!

 College Season (Part 1- 4-year Institutions)

Application Season is Upon Us!
The Californian State University (CSU) system and the University of California (UC) system have opened their application process for seniors! Over the years many of our SUHi seniors who have applied to a 4-year university have applied to these two systems.

Seniors who have followed the A-G eligibility requirements criteria can now begin applying to the CSU(‘s)/UC(‘s) of your choice.

*Make sure you have your transcript in front of you when applying.*

CSU Systemwww2.calstate.edu/apply/freshman (Deadline- Dec 4)
UC Systemadmission.universityofcalifornia.edu/how-to-apply/applying-as-a-freshman/ (Deadline- Nov 30)

Seniors interested in other 4-year institutions should research that institution’s particular admissions deadlines. For example, if you will be applying to the University of San Diego (USD), their application is due December 15.

Seniors interested in applying to community colleges, stay tuned for upcoming information.

Juniors, Sophomore, and Freshman- seniors applying to these colleges have worked hard over the years for A-G eligibility. If this is your path, plan now and continue to work hard.

Look out for more information on College and Career Awareness!
-Your SUHi Counselors