Sweetwater High School Counselors are committed to providing a comprehensive counseling and guidance program as a vehicle to assist students in acquiring and using life-long learning and self-managing skills. We are committed to implementing a proactive and preventative program which employs strategies to enhance student academic success, provide career awareness, develop employment readiness, encourage self-awareness, foster interpersonal communication skills and impart life success skills.
Friday, March 19, 2021
Thursday, March 18, 2021
STEAM Events at the National City Library
Belmont Park is Hiring
Before students/graduates apply, please help them consider their strengths, and especially transportation to and from Mission Beach (Great lesson- Mapping out transportation BEFORE applying---it is a long bus/trolley ride and no transportation isn't a valid excuse for calling out of a shift).
Belmont expects to be fully staff by APRIL 12 for the summer season so now's the time to apply! 16+ are welcome to apply.
Link to apply
Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Careers in BioTech
- Sheila Rao, PhD - Senior Scientist, Janssen Pharmaceutical R&D sharing her career path and aspects of her day-to-day job;
- Karmin Noar - Executive Director, Biocom Institute discussing internship opportunities available to high school students.
Wellness Wednesday: Be Present
Read more here:
Send a direct message to someone just to say hi.
Virtual Wellness Room
Please visit our Virtual Wellness Room to take a break from your online classes. Do some breathing exercises, stretch, or play a game. It's OK to take a time out in the middle of the day for a "brain break".
COVID-19 Updates and Resources
Get the latest information on specific SBCS programs and services as well as efforts to support the wider community and additional resources as we monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts. https://southbaycommunityservices.org/covid-19-resources/
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Course Selection Q&A with your Counselors
Have questions about choosing your classes for next year?
Come by anytime between 12Noon to 1PM this Thursday to ask the counselors your questions.
See you then! https://meet.google.com/dgu-vhhg-uxg
See here for details about course selection:
SDSU Updates for Fall 2021 Admissions
Upcoming Events and Reminders
Virtual Explore SDSU- March 20th • Inside Academics
- April 17th • Beyond the Classroom
- sdsu.edu/explore
Admission Decisions for First Year Students
- March 8th to March 19th
- admissions.sdsu.edu/freshmen/admitted
- This includes ALL transcripts from ALL institutions (HS and CC if applicable) attended from 9-12th grade up to fall 2020 July 15th
- Final transcripts due
- Students who were not admitted sdsu.edu/appeals, should appeal as soon as possible if they want to be reconsidered
Monday, March 15, 2021
SWAG (Students With Academic Goals)
SWAG (Students With Academic Goals) is a free, two-week college readiness program with UCSD, open to students in grades 9, 10 and 11. Applications are due April 25. Program dates: June 21-July 2.
Friday, March 12, 2021
Course Selection Process for the 2021-2022 School Year
If you missed the counselor presentations in your social science class on how to choose your classes for next year, view the presentation here.
Please choose your classes by March 19th.
-Sweetwater High Counselors
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Hispanic Business Student Association (HBSA) at SDSU pleased to announce its annual High School Conference
HBSA’s mission for our annual High School Conference is to bring diverse students, particularly those from underprivileged backgrounds that may not have the necessary resources, onto a college campus and instill higher education into their minds. We hope to invoke professionalism and leadership development that will help students succeed throughout their academic and individual careers. With education as our main purpose, we will instill students into pursuing higher education; whether through a Community College or a 4-year University.
We would like to extend an invitation to students at your school to join us for our FREE High School Conference. It will be a great opportunity for students to learn about San Diego State University and what it has to offer. This conference will include guest speakers, workshops, giveaways, & more!
In addition, we are pleased to announce that this year we will be offering two scholarships, open to any grade level, each worth $500! All scholarship applications must be turned in by 11:59 p.m. on April 10, 2021.
If you have any questions please feel free to email us and we will gladly respond in a timely manner. The conference will be hosted through Zoom and a link will be provided at a later time through social media, email, and our website as the conference date approaches.
HBSA: http://www.hbsa-highschoolconference.org/Link to RSVP: https://tinyurl.com/39s8w65x
UCSD TRiO Upward Bound
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
Wellness Wednesday: Health and Happiness
Read more here:
Walk with a friend in the sunshine. Get some Vitamin D.
Ensure that at least half of your daily liquids is water. Drink at least 8 cups of water a day.
Virtual Wellness Room
Please visit our Virtual Wellness Room to take a break from your online classes. Do some breathing exercises, stretch, or play a game. It's OK to take a time out in the middle of the day for a "brain break".
COVID-19 Updates and Resources
Get the latest information on specific SBCS programs and services as well as efforts to support the wider community and additional resources as we monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts. https://southbaycommunityservices.org/covid-19-resources/
Monday, March 8, 2021
Friday, March 5, 2021
The NACAC Virtual Colleges Fair
The NACAC Virtual Colleges Fair for students interested in STEM majors and careers will take place tomorrow, March 7. Registration is free.
These fairs offer students an incredible opportunity to connect with colleges and universities in all 50 states and more than 15 countries. Hundreds of colleges will be available on each fair date to offer Zoom sessions and one-on-one appointments, so students can easily explore their options.Students are encouraged to sign up now at virtualcollegefairs.org. They’ll want to start tagging the sessions they want to attend.
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
PFLAGS San Diego County Chapter Scholarships
They offer several scholarship opportunities for our LGBTQ high school seniors.
Students can access the link for the detailed information, https://pflag.com/scholarships/.
Scholarship Descriptions are as follows:
Gary A. Marcus Scholarship for the Fine and Applied Arts
This scholarship is open to students who are continuing their education in the fine and applied arts to include art programs, theatre, literature, and music. Mr. Marcus has a BFA and MFA from Maryland Institute College of Art and has been an Interior Designer in San Diego since 1970.
M. Lynne Austin Memorial Scholarship
Ray and Jan Aller established the scholarship in memory of Rev. Martha Lynne Austin, a senior pastor of the United Methodist Church. Lynne was a life-long teacher who championed inclusiveness, tolerance and grace.
John Bessemer Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is made possible through the generosity of PFLAG family and friends to honor John’s commitment to LGBTQ youth. John, whose passion was education, was the husband of Linda Bessemer, a past president.
Rob Benzon Memorial Scholarship
To honor their beloved and generous friends, Rob Benson and Dan Ferbal, the Rob Benzon Foundation Scholarships were created to recognize youth who demonstrate a giving spirit and charisma.
Stephen G. Bowersox Memorial Scholarship
Through the generosity of the family, friends, and co-workers of the Donna and James Bowersox family, this scholarship has been sustained. Their son, Stephen, was the recipient of a 2003 scholarship. This award is strongly predicated on social justice, demonstrated involvement, and high academic achievement, as well as broad, far-reaching interests and activities.
Kendall Family Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Kendall was an elementary education professor for 30 years at San Diego State University and was a lifelong student himself. Joanna Kendall was a top-notch real estate agent. They believed in the power of every individual to have an impact in their community. It was Dr. & Mrs. Kendall who introduced their daughter, Terrie Vorono, to PFLAG 16 years ago. Terrie is the immediate past president of PFLAG San Diego County.
Qualcomm Scholarship
Funded by the eQuality LGBTQ Qualcomm Employee Network, these are merit-based scholarships awarded to outstanding individuals who are pursuing a STEM field.
Raytheon STEM Scholarship
This is provided by the members of The Raytheon GLBTA Employee Resource Group as a STEM scholarship to attract, support and train future LGBTQ professionals in science, technology, engineering, or math.
Mary Wagner Memorial Scholarship
Mary’s former partner, Sharon Murphy, and her life-long friends, Marilyn and Art Carpenter, have contributed annually to the scholarship to honor Mary’s memory and enduring commitment to education.
-Minimum 3.0 GPA for High School Seniors
-Minimum 2.8 GPA for Undergraduate/Graduate Students
-Resident of San Diego County at time of application
-LGBTQ high school senior continuing to full-time** undergraduate study or
-LGBTQ full-time** graduate student
** We will consider half-time applicants with an explanation of the circumstances that prevents you from attending full-time.
Award of all scholarships will be calculated upon the following criteria:
-A well-written application essay
-Demonstration of financial need
-A history of strong academic achievement
-Compliance with all application requirements
This application and all of the required documents must be submitted electronically by March 30, 2021.
Scholarships will be awarded on June 5, 2021.
Our Safe Place: South March 2021 Events and Updates
Wellness Wednesday: Mealtimes and Mental Health
Happy Wellness Wednesday!
March is National Nutrition Month so this month we'll share some tips on eating habits and routines.
Today, let's talk about sharing your meal time with others. There are many psychological, social and biological benefits of eating meals with other people. Because of the pandemic, physically eating with others may be challenging, but virtual mealtime meet-ups are just as beneficial to your mental health.
Whether it be through sharing experiences with family and friends, winding down with company, bonding with family members or just having someone to talk to, mealtimes provide a great opportunity for us to set aside a specific time of the day or week to give us time to socialize, relax and improve our mental health.
Read more here: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/a-to-z/m/mealtimes-and-mental-health
Make a habit of including healthy food choices into your daily diet. Try to include vegetables into every meal.
Visit http://nutrition.sweetwaterschools.org/ for updates for FREE meal distribution for our SUHSD students.
Visit https://www.nationalcityca.gov/government/fire/covid-19/meal-distribution for City of National City meal distribution dates and times.
It's nice to eat your meals with others, even if it's virtually. Plan a video chat and engage in conversation.
We all need someone to talk to, someone who listens, and someone who understands. Your Sweetwater High School Counselors are here for you. We are just an email, video chat, or phone call away.
Virtual Wellness Room
Please visit our Virtual Wellness Room to take a break from your online classes. Do some breathing exercises, stretch, or play a game. It's OK to take a time out in the middle of the day for a "brain break".
COVID-19 Updates and Resources
Get the latest information on specific SBCS programs and services as well as efforts to support the wider community and additional resources as we monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts. https://southbaycommunityservices.org/covid-19-resources/
Tuesday, March 2, 2021
The Leilani Magno Memorial Scholarship 2021
$500 - Scholarship
-Current Sweetwater Union High School District senior
-Must plan to enroll in a 4 year college or 2 year community college in the fall 2020
-Deadline: April 9, 2021
Parent Training Opportunities - Offered by the San Diego County of Education
Supporting Your Children During Chaotic Times
Feeling anxiety is a common reaction during times of uncertainty, or when there is a perception of danger, and COVID-19 qualifies as such a time. This is something new and worrying that we are all facing together. This one-hour training will offer coping strategies to support your children/teens who might be feeling overwhelmed, stressed or anxious.PARTICIPANTS WILL LEARN:
- Understanding the complexities of anxiety among youth during the pandemic
- Learn helpful strategies to support your children in navigating stressful times
- Review of resources and tools to use at home
Register for virtual training at: http://sdcoe.k12oms.org/918-199452
Spanish Translation provided.
Traduccion al espanol estara disponible.
Cultivating Resilience While Parenting in the Time of COVID-19
- Understand the meaning and importance of wellness and resiliency
- Learn strategies to identify and cope with stressors
- Identify self-care practices that can lift spirits and calm anxieties during a pandemic
Monday, March 1, 2021
Career Readiness: San Diego State's Women in Leadership Conference
The Fowler College of Business at San Diego State University will be holding a Women in Leadership Conference on March 10 - 11.
Housing Assistance San Diego County
The County of San Diego’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) helps eligible households in qualifying areas who have been financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The program provides payment assistance for renters behind on rent and utilities.
Apply Online Starting March 2, 2021. Apply at www.sdhcd.org.
Only one application per household will be processed. Applicants will be able to check their status on the application portal at any point in the process.
If you do not have internet access and need assistance in completing an application, call (858) 694-4801. A County representative will be able to assist you.
For more information on ERAP, visit www.sdhcd.org