The SHPE SDSU board and High School Conference Committee are striving to make this event as educational and as interesting as possible. To do this, we are working with companies such as Qualcomm, Collins Aerospace and General Atomics so that we may have professional engineers speak upon their stories as well as answer questions for the high school students. The university student panel will also be available to assist with questions students may have about classes, financial aid, or any other topics regarding college.
Although this event targets high school students, we welcome any other grades and teachers who will like to come and sit in. We believe that this could be an amazing experience for young students as interacting with professional engineers and university students could help them learn more about their future university major and career. With that goal I hope you can reach out to students and Staff at Olympian who may be interested.
The conference will take place on April 9th at 2:00pm
Zoom ID: 884 989 27257
Please feel free to contact me or the current VP External for any questions or concerns
Thank you again for taking the time to read this email,
Jaime Isaiah Cervantes
Undergraduate - Mechanical Engineering
San Diego State University
SHPE 2021-2022 VP External
Mobile : (619) 948-6319
Email :
SHPE SDSU High School Conference Sign Up
SHPE Scholarship Sign-Up form

Sweetwater High School Counselors are committed to providing a comprehensive counseling and guidance program as a vehicle to assist students in acquiring and using life-long learning and self-managing skills. We are committed to implementing a proactive and preventative program which employs strategies to enhance student academic success, provide career awareness, develop employment readiness, encourage self-awareness, foster interpersonal communication skills and impart life success skills.