Sweetwater High School Counselors are committed to providing a comprehensive counseling and guidance program as a vehicle to assist students in acquiring and using life-long learning and self-managing skills. We are committed to implementing a proactive and preventative program which employs strategies to enhance student academic success, provide career awareness, develop employment readiness, encourage self-awareness, foster interpersonal communication skills and impart life success skills.
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Get a Jump Start on College with FREE Dual Enrollment at Your Local California Community College
Dual enrollment allows high school students the opportunity to earn college credit for community college courses completed while still in high school.
These courses can count toward a student’s high school diploma AND toward their college degree or certificate. This helps all students create a seamless pathway to college – no matter what their plans may be. And, dual enrollment courses are FREE to most high school juniors and seniors (criteria may vary so reach out to your local college for more information).
Taking college courses in high school also promotes college readiness and can make the transition from high school to college easier. Dual enrollment courses give students exposure to college level course work and expectations, helping to boost their confidence that college is within their reach. In fact, our data shows that students who take at least one college course in high school are more likely to succeed once they get to college. It’s a win-win!
Dual enrollment courses enable high school students who take them to graduate with college credits completed toward their degree or certificate so they can finish college, get into the workforce and start earning money sooner after high school graduation. And, since students who earn a degree or certificate from a California community college nearly double their earnings within three years, community college is a smart investment with big financial benefits over time.
If you’re interested in exploring your dual enrollment options, please reach out and your counselor will be happy to share more information. In the meantime, you can learn more about the California Community Colleges in this digital brochure. It highlights degree options, career training programs and student support services to help you succeed in reaching your goals.
As always, please feel free to reach out to your counselors for help with college planning and to discuss the educational options at our local community college(s).
Covid Testing Sites
Free Tattoo Removal For Qualified Individuals
The San Diego County District Attorney's office have teamed up to offer FREE Tattoo Removal for qualified individuals with any Gang Related, Human Trafficking Related or Face, Neck and Hand Tattoos that may be preventing you from getting a job or moving forward in your life.
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Free Suicide Prevention Webinars for Parents in English and Spanish
This free webinar and Facebook Live event will provide information about suicide prevention for parents, including warning signs for suicide, how to have a conversation with their teen, actions to take if their teen is having suicidal thoughts, and resources.
Wellness Wednesday: Celebrate YOU
Happy Wellness Wednesday Red Devils!
As we approach the end of 2020, it is a great time to reflect on this year that has been like no other. Regardless of the challenges, you are here! As you look back on 2020, think about your successes, accomplishments, and victories - both big and small. You deserve to be celebrated for getting through 2020!
We have a few more days in the semester, then we get to enjoy Winter Break. On behalf of the SUHi Counseling team, we hope you find love, peace, health, and happiness this holiday season. We are very fortunate to work with the SUHi Family and that is definitely one of the great successes we celebrate every year.
Self-Care Tip:Share a happy memory or an inspiring thought with a loved one who may be alone or feeling isolated during this time.
Virtual Wellness Room
Please visit our Virtual Wellness Room to take a break from your online classes. Do some breathing exercises, stretch, or play a game. It's OK to take a time out in the middle of the day for a "brain break".suhivirtualwellnessroom.blogspot.com/
COVID-19 Updates and Resources
Get the latest information on specific SBCS programs and services as well as efforts to support the wider community and additional resources as we monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts. https://southbaycommunityservices.org/covid-19-resources/
Happy Holidays Red Devils! #BeWellRedDevils
Brad Fowler Memorial Scholarship
The Brad Fowler Memorial Scholarship offers a $5,000 scholarship to at least five high school seniors in San Diego County. A second scholarship of $5,000 can also be earned, provided the recipient remains in good academic standing following the first year of college, for a total possible scholarship award of $10,000. Additionally, scholarship recipients will receive a laptop computer from Computers to Kids San Diego.
The nominee must have demonstrated an ability to overcome personal obstacles associated with drugs or alcohol, a strong commitment to athletics and a desire to continue personal growth and development through higher education. There is no minimum GPA requirement, but academic growth will be considered.
The following is a description of the scholarship, nomination criteria and submission process.
- One-year scholarship for $5,000 for the school year September 2021 - June 2022
- Scholarship recipients who remain in academic standing following their first year of college will earn an additional $5,000 scholarship for their second year of college
- Eligible expenses include college tuition, books and on-campus housing
- Recipients will be required to keep in periodic communication with the SDSA, to report on their progress
Nomination Criteria:
- High school senior who will enroll in either a two- or four-year college
- Has overcome personal obstacles and troubles in life associated with drugs or alcohol
- Demonstrated athletic achievement and participation in organized sports
- Demonstrated leadership ability and demonstrated personal responsibility
- Demonstrated academic growth
- Demonstrated financial need
- Has a strong commitment to setting and reaching life goals
Submission process:
- All submissions must include: the completed application form, a copy of the student’s high school transcript and at least one letter of recommendation from a teacher, coach or counselor. The letter of recommendation should attest to why the nominee’s behavior, attitude, desire and character warrant this scholarship.
- All nominations should be submitted by a coach, teacher, counselor or administrator.
- Please submit application packets to:
San Diego Sports Association
Attn: Loni Lewis
1041 Market Street #314
San Diego, CA 92101
Or email loni@sandiegosportsassn.com
Submission Deadline: Friday, February 26, 2021 (All documents must be postmarked on or before that date).
Selection of the qualified recipients will be made in March 2021 and the winners will be notified in April 2021. Recipients will be required to attend a local presentation ceremony AND/OR an on-camera interview session to deliver brief acceptance remarks and share their story. For further information, please visit sandiegosportsassociation.com.
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Career Exploration During Winter Break
Winter Break is around the corner and the end of 2020 is in sight. The Nepris calendar is still jam-packed with live, virtual Industry Chats to keep you interacting with industry pros heading into the New Year!
- 12/15 | Methods & Materials of Sculpture | 12:30ET / 9:30PT |Grades 6-12
- 12/15 | Black History Museum Virtual Tour | 2:30ET / 11:30PT |Grades K-12
- 12/16 | Career Exploration in the Arts | 1:00ET / 10:00PT |Grades 6-8
- 1/25 | How to Craft Fantastic Fiction | 11:00ET / 8:00PT |Grades 4-6
- 12/17 | Tap into Groundwater! | 2:00ET / 11:00PT |Grades 3-5
- 1/11 | Q&A: Working on Emerging Tech | 10:00ET / 7:00PT |Grades 6-12+
- 1/11 | Automation in Manufacturing | 12:45ET / 9:45PT |Grades 6-12
- 1/12 | How Math Figures into Filmmaking | 4:30ET / 1:30PT |Grades 9-12
- 1/12 | How To: Weather Observation & Forecasting | 11:00ET / 8:00PT |Grades 6-12
- 1/12 | Playing Video Games Can Lead to Engineering | 3:00ET / 12:00PT |Grades K-8
- 1/14 | Panel: From Viruses to Computer Models | 2:00ET / 11:00PT |Grades 6-12
- 1/21 | Elephants, Tigers, & Rhinos, Oh My! | 2:30ET / 11:30PT |Grades K-5
- 12/17 | Opportunities in Trades & Carpentry | 3:00ET / 12:00PT |Grades 6-12
- 12/16 | Budgeting: Live Today + Save Tomorrow | 12:00ET / 9:00PT |Grades 9-12
- 1/15 | Personal Finance Education for Students | 1:00ET / 10:00PT |Grades 9-12
- 1/15 | Running a 7-Figure Online Business | 2:00ET / 11:00PT |Grades 9-12
- 1/20 | Tips & Tricks for Business Management | 4:00ET / 1:00PT |Grades 9-12
- 12/17 | Careers in the SB County Sheriff Dept. | 12:00ET / 9:00PT |Grades 6-12+
- 1/13 | Opportunities in Restaurants & Hospitality | 11:00ET / 8:00PT |Grades 9-12
- 1/26 | How Asking for Help Can Help You Reach Goals | 11:30ET / 8:30PT |Grades 6-12
- 1/13 | Possibilities in the Computer Industry | 1:30ET / 10:30PT |Grades 9-12
- 1/15 | Ask Me Anything: Meet a LinkedIn Engineer | 1:00ET / 10:00PT |Grades 10-12
- 1/19 | What is IT Disaster Recovery? | 12:00ET / 9:00PT |Grades 9-12
Monday, December 14, 2020
REMINDER: Financial Aid Workshop
The financial aid virtual workshop is intended for SUHSD 12th grade students and their families. Topics include an overview of the steps in the financial aid process (FAFSA/CADA), the types of aid available, and an opportunity to ask general questions.
El taller virtual de ayuda financiera está destinado a los estudiantes del grado 12 de SUHSD y sus familias. El taller cubrirá una descripción general del proceso de ayuda financiera (FAFSA/CADA), los tipos de ayuda financiera disponibles y la oportunidad de hacer preguntas generales.
December 15, 2020 - 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
To register: https://tinyurl.com/SUHSDFinAid
San Diego Foundation Scholarships
We want to info inform you about the following relevant awards/categories:
Luis Arreola Memorial Scholarship
• Be graduating seniors at Sweetwater Union High School District
• Plan to attend an accredited four-year university, community college or licensed career/technical school in
the United States
• Have a cumulative unweighted GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale
• Have a demonstrated commitment to serving their community
• Have a demonstrated financial need
Preference will be given to students who are ambitious, have shown success and potential in the courses related to their chosen career and have persevered in spite of their obstacles
Click here to find corresponding scholarship flyers.
There are also more than a dozen separate awards that are administered by The San Diego Foundation but not included in the Common Scholarship Application. These opportunities should be of interest to any motivated students that you may know, and we appreciate you taking the time to pass the information along to them.
In addition to listing separate awards, The San Diego Foundation website has a number of other tools to help students, parents, and mentors navigate the scholarships process. On the students tab you can find a full list of award criteria, Tips for a Competitive Application, and a practice application.
Covid-19 Community Resource Guide
Dear SUHi community,
As we continue to face hardships due to the pandemic, we would like to share these valuable resources that may be helpful to you and your family.
If at any point you have a question or concern, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at (619) 474-9700 or via email at the "contact" tab above.
-Your SUHi Counselors
10th grade Career Exploration Core Curriculum Presentation
Hello Class of 2023 and Parents,
The counselors from Sweetwater High hope this message finds
you and your family doing well.
Before this semester ends, we would like to start the
discussion about career explorations with all our 10th graders. Typically, we
would visit with 10th graders in their classes to talk about ways to start your
career exploration and take a career assessment. This year, we have created an
online presentation that can be accessed by students and parents at any time.
All 10th graders are encouraged to view this presentation and complete the assignments
within the presentation.
The steps are:
1.) Students view the Career Exploration Presentation in our Google Classroom. If you have not yet joined the Class of 2023 google classroom the code to join is: 4ina77g.
Parents are welcome to view the presentation using this link: Career Presentation
2) Within the presentation
students complete the Pre-Test Assignment.
3.) Within the
presentation, students complete their online career assessment and fill out
their Career Worksheet
4.) Within the
presentation, students update their 6 -year plan and complete the Post-Test
5.) If students or
parents have questions, please contact your counselor: https://suhicounseling.blogspot.com/p/contact-us.html
How to Check Your Grades on Infinite Campus
Hello Red Devils & families!
The end of the semester is coming soon and final grades will be posted.
Here are some quick steps on how to check grades on Infinite Campus.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at the "CONTACT" tab at the top of this website.
Thank you!
Financial Aid Nights/Noches de Ayuda Financiera
The financial aid virtual workshop is intended for SUHSD 12th grade students and their families. Topics include an overview of the steps in the financial aid process (FAFSA/CADA), the types of aid available, and an opportunity to ask general questions.
El taller virtual de ayuda financiera está destinado a los estudiantes del grado 12 de SUHSD y sus familias. El taller cubrirá una descripción general del proceso de ayuda financiera (FAFSA/CADA), los tipos de ayuda financiera disponibles y la oportunidad de hacer preguntas generales.
October 20, 2020 - 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
November 17, 2020 - 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
December 15, 2020 - 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
To register: https://tinyurl.com/SUHSDFinAid
Friday, December 11, 2020
Think you might qualify for DACA? Now’s the time to find out! Have questions about filling out your application and gathering all the documents that are needed to apply? We gotchu!
Come to UWD’s “DACA is BACK!” Application Prep Sessions!
- “This is What You Need”: Mon. Dec. 14th, 7:30-9pm EST - we’ll review how to gather the documents and evidence to prove eligibility
- “Filling out the application, part 1”: Wed. Dec. 16th, 7:30-9pm EST - we’ll review how to fill out form I-821D
- “Filling out the application, part 2”: Fri. Dec.18th, 7:30-9pm EST - we’ll review how to fill out form I-765 & I-765 Worksheet
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Here you will find details about this year's essay contest
College Board Opportunity Scholarships: Now Available for Juniors
The College Board Opportunity Scholarships program is now available for all juniors. Since 2018, nearly one million students have joined this program, which provides students with a digital college planning guide and chances to earn $500 for each action they complete. When students complete all six steps, they earn a chance at a $40,000 scholarship. Students whose families earn less than $60,000 per year have double the chances to earn scholarships.
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
STEM Career Virtual Chats
- 12/10 | Demo - Creating Artificial Intelligence | 11:30ET / 8:30PT |Grades 9-12
- 12/10 | Making Video Games| 1:30ET / 10:30PT |Grades K-5
- 12/10 | Exploring CSEd with Inclusive Game Design | 3:00ET / 12:00PT |Grades 5-8
- 12/8 | What it's Like to be a Weather Man! | 11:00ET / 8:00PT |Grades K-5
- 12/10 | AI, Autonomous Vehicles, & More | 1:00ET / 10:00PT |Grades 9-12
- 12/15 | The Wide World of Weather | 11:00ET / 8:00PT |Grades 9-12
- 12/17 | Connections: Groundwater & Streams | 2:00ET / 11:00PT |Grades 3-5
- 1/14 | Panel: From Viruses to Computer Models | 2:00ET / 11:00PT |Grades 6-12
- 12/17 | Opportunities in Trades & Carpentry | 3:00ET / 12:00PT |Grades 6-12
- 12/10 | An Inside Look at Emporia State University | 12:00ET / 9:00PT |Grades 9-12
- 12/10 | Student Life at Park University |12:00ET / 9:00PT |Grades 9-12
- 12/11 | Discover the University of Missouri | 12:00ET / 9:00PT |Grades 9-12
- 12/11 | Applying to & Attending Avila University | 12:00ET / 9:00PT |Grades 9-12
- 12/11 | A Range of Manufacturing Opportunities! | 1:15ET / 10:15PT |Grades 9-12
- 12/14 | The Basics of Money Management | 12:00ET / 9:00PT |Grades 9-12
- 12/16 | Budgeting: Live Today + Save Tomorrow | 12:00ET / 9:00PT |Grades 9-12
- 12/15 | Methods & Materials of Sculpture | 12:30ET / 8:30PT |Grades 6-12
- 12/15 | Black History Museum Virtual Tour | 2:30ET / 11:30PT |Grades K-12
- 12/14 | Landscaping: Its Role in Architecture | 11:00ET / 8:00PT |Grades 9-12
- 12/17 | Careers in the SB County Sheriff Dept. | 12:00ET / 9:00PT |Grades 6-12+
- 1/13 | Opportunities in Restaurants & Hospitality | 11:00ET / 8:00PT |Grades 9-12